Thick raspberry jam with whole berries for the winter has been a favorite treat since childhood. Raspberry jam is ideal for home baking and helps in the treatment of seasonal diseases. Making jam is a fairly simple process and every housewife can do it, regardless of age and culinary experience.
Thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries
Thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries is an amazing delicacy. Cooking requires patience and care. This recipe differs from others in that the jam is cooked in portions. The rich and fragrant treat will conquer all those with a sweet tooth.
- Raspberries 1 (kilograms)
- Granulated sugar 1 (kilograms)
- Water 200 (milliliters)
How to prepare thick raspberry jam with whole berries for the winter? We carefully sort out the freshly picked berries from leaves, twigs and spoiled specimens.
To get rid of insects, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water. Place the berries in a sieve and immerse them in the solution. The bugs will float to the top. We remove them and wash off the berries by placing them in clean water. Dry the berries by placing them on napkins. Transfer to a metal cup. Sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Pour in water and leave until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
We take a ladle of raspberry preparation and pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
After boiling, minimize the heat.
Boil for 5 minutes without stirring.
There is no need to remove the foam.
After washing the jars and sterilizing them in the oven, pour out the cooked portion of jam.
Thus, we cook all the jam until we fill the jar.
After filling the jar, seal it with a sterile screw cap and cool completely, wrapping it in a blanket. Then we put it in the pantry for storage. Bon appetit!
Five-minute raspberry jam with whole berries
Everyone will like five-minute raspberry jam with whole berries. Cooking using this method allows you to preserve the integrity of the raspberries and all their beneficial properties. This delicious delicacy will be a great addition to thin pancakes and fluffy pancakes.
Cooking time - 15 minutes.
Cooking time - 10 min.
Portions – 4
- Raspberries – 400 gr.
- Granulated sugar – 500 gr.
- Water – 150 ml.
- Citric acid – a pinch.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Having prepared the ingredients, we move on to the crucial moment.
Step 2. After sorting out the berries, put them in salted water to get rid of the living creatures. Strain through a sieve.
Step 3. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled pan and add lemon. Pour in water and heat until the crystals are completely dissolved.
Step 4. Carefully place the prepared berries.
Step 5. After boiling the contents, carefully remove the foam. Boil the treat for 5 minutes. We wash the jars in a soda solution and rinse with running water. Heat it in the microwave. Pour boiling water over the lids and wipe dry.
Step 6. Fill sterile jars with delicious jam.
Step 7. We seal the blanks with screw caps. Place the hot jars on their sides and wrap them in a blanket.Leave until completely cooled and transfer to the pantry.
Step 8. Enjoy the treat. Bon appetit!
Whole raspberry jam with lemon juice
Whole raspberry jam with lemon juice turns out incredibly appetizing. The raspberry deliciousness looks quite presentable. Whole berries appeal to those with a sweet tooth. By the appearance of the berries, it is hardly possible to understand that they were subjected to heat treatment.
Cooking time – 25 h. 00 min.
Cooking time - 30 min.
Portions – 5
- Raspberries – 1 kg.
- Granulated sugar – 800 gr.
- Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
- Water – 200 ml.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Separating the raspberries from spoiled berries and debris, rinse with water. Dry on napkins. Measure out the granulated sugar and immediately place it in a thick-walled saucepan.
Step 2. Add water. After stirring, place on the stove and boil the syrup for 3 minutes.
Step 3. Pour boiling syrup over the berries and cool on the table for 12 hours.
Step 4. Place a sieve over an empty container.
Step 5. Strain the berries from the syrup.
Step 6. Place the syrup on the burner.
Step 7. Warm up for 10 minutes, removing foam if necessary.
Step 8. Fill the berries again.
Step 9. Cool on the counter for 6 hours.
Step 10. Pass the berries through a sieve.
Step 11. Pour lemon juice into the syrup. After stirring, put on the flame. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes.
Step 12. Combine the berries with the syrup again.
Step 13. Let stand for 6 hours until completely cooled.
Step 14. Place the pan on the stove and boil, without stirring, but only moving the pan over the fire.
Step 15. We bake the washed jars in the oven. We sterilize the lids in boiling water. Fill clean, dry jars with hot jam. Screw on with clean screw caps. We cool the rolls under a blanket.
Step 16. Store the cooled jam.Bon appetit!