How to cook crumbly barley porridge in water

How to cook crumbly barley porridge in water

Crispy barley porridge with water is a hearty and healthy side dish that goes well with almost any dish. In order for such porridge to be crumbly, you need to maintain the correct proportions of cereal and water. We offer you 8 step-by-step recipes for preparing barley porridge in water step by step with photos so that you can prepare a delicious side dish or breakfast.

Barley porridge on water in a saucepan - proportions

Simple and tasty barley porridge is prepared very quickly and turns out simply wonderful if you choose the right ratio of water to cereal. In this recipe we will share with you the correct proportions for preparing barley porridge so that it turns out crumbly.

How to cook crumbly barley porridge in water

+3 (servings)
  • Barley grits 1 cup
  • Water 2.5 glasses
  • Salt  taste
  • Butter  optional
Per serving
Calories: 76 kcal
Proteins: 2.3 G
Fats: 0.3 G
Carbohydrates: 15.7 G
15 minutes.
  1. How to cook crumbly barley porridge in water? Measure out the required amount of cereal and lightly heat it in a heated frying pan to bring out the flavor of the porridge well. While the cereal is frying, place a saucepan of water on the stove and let the liquid boil.
    How to cook crumbly barley porridge in water? Measure out the required amount of cereal and lightly heat it in a heated frying pan to bring out the flavor of the porridge well.While the cereal is frying, place a saucepan of water on the stove and let the liquid boil.
  2. Salt the boiling water and begin to gradually pour the cereal into the pan, stirring it constantly. Cook the barley porridge over moderate heat until the cereal has absorbed all the liquid.
    Salt the boiling water and begin to gradually pour the cereal into the pan, stirring it constantly. Cook the barley porridge over moderate heat until the cereal has absorbed all the liquid.
  3. If desired, add a little more salt and a piece of butter to the finished porridge. Otherwise, you can add vegetable oil or not add oil at all. Cover the pan with porridge and leave to steep for five minutes.
    If desired, add a little more salt and a piece of butter to the finished porridge. Otherwise, you can add vegetable oil or not add oil at all. Cover the pan with porridge and leave to steep for five minutes.
  4. Serve the porridge immediately, while still hot or warm; do not reheat it. It goes perfectly with meat and fish dishes.
    Serve the porridge immediately, while still hot or warm; do not reheat it. It goes perfectly with meat and fish dishes.

Bon appetit!

How to cook barley porridge with water in a slow cooker?

Barley porridge, which is healthy, non-allergenic and has high nutritional value, cooked in a slow cooker with just water, makes a good side dish or a separate dish. The porridge is prepared quickly, and to make it crumbly, the cereal is washed well, and water is taken in a 2:1 ratio to the cereal. In this recipe we cook porridge in a Redmond multicooker.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

Servings: 2.


  • Barley groats – 1 multi-cup.
  • Water – 2 multi-glasses.
  • Butter – 70 gr.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse barley groats well with cold water. Then dry it in a heated dry frying pan. Pour the prepared cereal into the multicooker bowl.

2. Add a little salt and black pepper to the cereal to your personal taste.

3. Pour the calculated amount of hot boiled water over the cereal.

4.Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “Milk porridge/cereals” program for the default time, and in “Redmond” it is 25 minutes.

5. After the signal about the end of the program, add a piece of butter to the porridge, close the lid and leave the porridge for 20 minutes in the “Warming” mode, which will make it crumbly.

6. After this time, place the barley porridge cooked in a slow cooker on plates and serve as a side dish for any dishes or as a separate dish. Bon appetit!

Delicious barley porridge with water and milk

Tasty and juicy porridge is easy to prepare using a mixture of water and milk. If you follow the proportions correctly, your porridge will turn out very satisfying and will have a good, pleasant consistency. Try it!


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Drinking water – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Fresh milk – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - optional

Cooking process:

1. First, prepare the ingredients you will need. Be sure to sort the cereal, measure out the water and milk and set it aside.

2. Pour water into the pan, add salt and bring the liquid to a boil. While the water is boiling, proceed with further preparation of the cereal.

3. Place the barley in a bowl and cover with cold water. Rinse the cereal thoroughly to remove debris and husks. You should only have clean cereal left. Pour it into boiling water and reduce the heat slightly so that the porridge simmers over low heat.

4. Gradually pour milk into a saucepan with boiling barley, add sugar, then stir the porridge and cover the saucepan with the porridge with a lid. Cook the porridge over moderate heat until it has absorbed all the liquid. At the last moment, you can add butter to the porridge.

5.Leave the finished porridge to brew under the lid for five to seven minutes, and then place it on plates and serve while still hot!

Appetizing and satisfying barley porridge with pumpkin and water

Whether it’s an appetizing breakfast or a hearty dinner is up to you, but you should definitely try this recipe. Barley porridge, quite tasteless in itself, is perfectly complemented by pumpkin and begins to play with new colors!


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Pumpkin – 300 gr.
  • Butter - to taste
  • Purified water – 3 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. First, peel and rinse the pumpkin. Then it must be cut into small cubes using a sharp knife.

2. Place the chopped pumpkin on the bottom of the pan in which you are going to cook the barley-pumpkin porridge.

3. Then pour the washed and sorted barley grits into the pan with the pumpkin. Spread the porridge in an even layer.

4. Add all the water to the pan and turn on moderate heat. Add sugar to the porridge and leave it to cook until done, covering the pan with a lid. Towards the end of cooking, add oil to the porridge (at your discretion) and leave the dish covered for about five minutes.

5. Serve the finished hot porridge to the table in deep portion bowls. You can serve it with fresh berries and offer milk.

Bon appetit and culinary success!

A simple step-by-step recipe for barley porridge with butter

You can get juicy and appetizing barley porridge in water if you add butter to it. Be sure to try cooking barley with butter and you will be pleasantly surprised by the wonderful taste of the porridge.


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Drinking water – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter – 40 gr.

Cooking process:

1. First, prepare the barley.It must be carefully sorted and then thoroughly washed several times in a bowl of water to remove husks and any small debris from the grain.

2. Place a saucepan on the stove, pour all the water into it and turn on high heat. When the water boils, add barley and salt to it, then reduce the heat to almost a minimum and continue cooking the porridge over low heat until cooked.

3. Cut the desired piece of butter and place it in a pan with the prepared hot porridge.

4. Wrap the pan with porridge and butter in a towel and leave to steep for ten minutes. After this, the dish can be served.

5. Serve hot barley porridge with water and butter fresh. You can use it as a side dish or an independent dish.

Hearty barley porridge on water with meat

In order to quickly prepare a hearty, complete lunch, you can not only spend your time preparing side dishes and meat, but also cook everything together! Barley porridge, cooked with meat, onions and carrots, will be an excellent solution for those who want to eat hearty and healthy, but do not have the opportunity to stand in the kitchen for hours.


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Pork or beef – 300 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Salt and spices - to taste
  • Purified water – 4 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking process:

1. Rinse fresh meat, trim off membranes and excess fat. After this, cut the meat into small, neat cubes and lightly dry it with a paper towel.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed frying pan or thick-bottomed pan and heat it. Dip the pieces of meat there and fry it over high heat until a golden crispy crust forms.

3.Then add two glasses of water to the container with the meat, cover the container with a lid and simmer the meat over low heat for half an hour.

4. While the meat is cooking, peel and rinse the onion. Cut it into cubes or strips - according to your taste.

5. Then peel and wash the carrots, chop them using a knife or grater - whichever is more convenient for you.

6. If you wish, you can add other vegetables to the meat - for example, bell peppers or tomatoes. Chop the vegetables in the same way as the onions and carrots.

7. Add vegetables, salt and spices to the container with meat to your taste. If you have no water left in the pan, add a little boiling water and cover the pan with meat and vegetables with a lid.

8. After the vegetables and meat have been stewed together for five to seven minutes, you can add cereal to them.

9. Sort the cereal and rinse thoroughly until the water is completely clear.

10. Add barley grits to the container with meat and vegetables, pour in two glasses of hot water and simmer covered for twenty minutes.

11. When the dish is ready, leave it under the lid and towels for ten minutes so that the dish is fully cooked and saturated with the aroma of seasonings and meat. Serve to the table!

Delicious dietary barley porridge in water with vegetables

You will get tasty and healthy barley porridge if you cook it with vegetables. The simplest one at your discretion, since this recipe is one of the basic ones.


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Purified water – 2.5 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. First, prepare your cereal. It must be carefully sorted out of various debris and dirt, and the husk must be selected from the grain.

2.Next, you need to heat a frying pan with a thick bottom and add barley grits there so that it heats up on all sides. This must be done quickly and very carefully.

3. Place a pan of water on the stove and add salt. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then add the prepared barley grits to the boiling water and, over moderate heat, cook the porridge until tender.

4. While the porridge is cooking, peel, rinse and chop the onions and carrots. You can cut it smaller or larger - according to your taste.

5. Place the root vegetables in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and quickly fry until transparent and light golden brown.

6. When the porridge is ready, add the fried carrots and onions to the pan, stir and leave to brew for ten minutes. Then serve the finished dish to the table on its own or as a side dish.

A simple recipe for making barley porridge with stew

An incredibly tasty and satisfying dish - barley porridge with stew. The main thing in this dish is to cook the porridge correctly and choose the highest quality stew possible. In just half an hour you will have a delicious and satisfying lunch!


  • Barley groats – 1 tbsp.
  • Drinking water – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Table salt - to taste
  • Beef stew – 1 can

Cooking process:

1. First, prepare the cereal for cooking. It must be carefully sorted and then rinsed in a bowl of water, changing the water several times. This way you can remove husks and various small debris from the cereal, leaving only everything useful and necessary.

2. Next, you need to boil water in a saucepan on a stove - enameled or any thick-bottomed one. Salt the water and add washed barley to it. Cook the porridge over moderate heat until done.

3.After this, take a high-quality beef stew with at least 60% pure meat content. Place the stew into the pan with the porridge and stir, close the lid and leave the dish to steep for ten minutes.

4. Serve the finished barley porridge with beef to the table in portions, hot. Do not reheat the porridge, eat the dish only fresh!

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