45 minutes)4 (servings)0315
Rice with vegetables is an appetizing and interesting-tasting treat for the home table. Such a bright product can be used as an independent dish or
35 (minutes)5 (servings)0472
Merchant style buckwheat is an exquisite and tasty combination of buckwheat grains, seasonings and additional ingredients. This is a traditional Russian dish that
60 (minutes)4 (servings)0509
Rice porridge with milk is an ideal nutritious breakfast for the whole family. This porridge can also be used as a side dish, snack and even dessert.
50 (minutes)6 (servings)0312
Pumpkin porridge is a tasty dish and a storehouse of useful microelements. The pumpkin definitely brings its own unique flavor and aroma to the dish, making the porridge pop.
15 minutes)2 (servings)0244
Wheat porridge is a nutritious and healthy treat for your home table. This porridge will serve as an excellent side dish or an independent dish.
25 (minutes)1 (servings)01.1k.
Millet porridge with pumpkin is a nutritious, healthy and tasty treat for the home table. You can prepare such a bright and appetizing porridge in different ways.
20 minutes)3 (servings)0826
Buckwheat porridge is an integral element of Slavic cuisine, which became popular several centuries ago and does not lose its relevance to this day.
50 (minutes)4 (servings)01.6k.
We tell you how to cook rice in a saucepan so that it turns out tasty and attractive in our culinary selection of ten recipes with step-by-step photographs
40 minutes)4 (servings)02.4k.
Buckwheat with stew is a classic from the times of the USSR, which is loved by many to this day. But you shouldn’t be surprised here, since the dish, in its taste characteristics, is...
15 minutes)4 (servings)01.2k.
Rice porridge is a dish that can be served as a main dish for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a side dish. How to cook rice porridge in
50 (minutes)3 (servings)01.5k.
Millet porridge with milk is a dish that can be either a side dish or a full breakfast. If you are a fan of millet, then definitely
120 (minutes)4 (servings)642.9k.
Pea porridge is a very tender, nutritious and aromatic solution for your home table. This product will serve as a bright and appetizing side dish to other
5 o'clock)4 (servings)03.2k.
Barley dishes are of great benefit to your body. Pearl barley contains fiber, amino acids, vitamins of groups B, A, U, H and PP, as well as iron, iodine, potassium, etc.
40 minutes)4 (servings)03.5k.
Rice in a slow cooker is a cereal that will be an ideal side dish for you and your household for any meat or fish dish. And also, you can easily make it from rice.
20 minutes)2 (servings)02.1k.
Fluffy rice is one of the most affordable and popular side dishes. Cooking porridge is very simple, but you need to carefully select the correct proportions.
35 (minutes)4 (servings)01.1k.
Buckwheat in a slow cooker is an original Slavic dish that can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish.
60 (minutes)3 (servings)01.2k.
Buckwheat in a Redmond multicooker is the most preferred method of cooking cereals and is worthy of the attention of every housewife, because this cereal cooks quickly and always
60 (minutes)4 (servings)01 to.
Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker is a nutritious and tasty dish that is served for lunch or dinner. It is not difficult to prepare, especially with the help of special equipment.
30 minutes)6 (servings)03.2k.
Rice in the Redmond multicooker can be an excellent side dish for chicken, meat or fish. Despite the fact that cooking cereals using special kitchen equipment is very simple.
45 minutes)2 (servings)03k.
Quinoa dishes are considered a superfood for a reason. It is many times greater in the amount of nutrients it contains than any other cereal. Quinoa is worth eating
50 (minutes)2 (servings)05.2k.
How to cook quinoa is a question facing many housewives. They know about the benefits of quinoa for proper nutrition and the types of cereals, but it is important to cook this cereal correctly.
40 minutes)4 (servings)02.5k.
Polenta is a traditional dish of Italian cuisine, for the preparation of which you will need corn grits or flour. This dish can be served as
30 minutes)4 (servings)02.3k.
Pumpkin porridge is a great option for breakfast. The porridge turns out to be as appetizing and satisfying as possible. You can prepare porridge with various cereals.
45 minutes)4 (servings)03.3k.
Rice with vegetables is a hearty and nutritious dish that will delight you not only with its ease of preparation, but also with its excellent taste.
25 (minutes)3 (servings)01.9k.
Kutia for Christmas is a sweet porridge that can be prepared from various grains, depending on your taste preferences: rice, millet or pearl barley.
60 (minutes)4 (servings)06.4k.
Mamalyga is a traditional dish of Romanian, Moldavian, Abkhazian and Western Ukrainian cuisine. The treat is a cool porridge made from corn flour or grits.
60 (minutes)2 (servings)04.5k.
Rice with vegetables in a frying pan is not pilaf or rice porridge, but a tasty independent dish or side dish, which has some peculiarities in its preparation.
45 minutes)2 (servings)02.5k.
Oatmeal in a slow cooker is a convenient and uncomplicated culinary idea for your family breakfasts. The use of modern kitchen appliances significantly
30 minutes)4 (servings)02.8k.
How to cook buckwheat - it would seem that it could be easier. However, not many can boast of the ability to properly cook buckwheat.
30 minutes)6 (servings)02.7k.
Fried rice is an Asian dish that has long gained popularity in Russian-speaking countries due to its incredible taste and ease of preparation.
30 minutes)4 (servings)02.9k.
Kutya is a tasty cereal supplemented with various components. The “role” of the main ingredient can be not only rice, as we are used to, but also
20 minutes)2 (servings)04.9k.
How to cook semolina porridge at home? You will find the best and most delicious recipes in our ready-made culinary selection. Be sure to take note
20 minutes)2 (servings)03.5k.
Semolina porridge in a slow cooker is a quick and tasty breakfast dish. Despite the fact that semolina porridge is considered a simple dish, when preparing it
30 minutes)4 (servings)08.4k.
Couscous is especially popular in Arab countries. From small grains you can prepare a large number of bright and nutritious dishes: side dishes, soups
30 minutes)2 (servings)01 to.
Hercules porridge in the morning is the key to youth and longevity, as well as a natural source of energy. Moreover, the dish is prepared in a matter of minutes.
30 minutes)1 (servings)05.7k.
Hercules porridge is the most famous porridge and a very healthy breakfast for the whole family. There are many recipes for making porridge and they differ in how they are prepared
30 minutes)4 (servings)04.1k.
Hercules porridge is a source of useful microelements and energy to start the day. That’s why we so often prepare this porridge for breakfast. Especially tasty
60 (minutes)2 (servings)05.1k.
Rice pudding is a healthy and filling breakfast option made from rice, milk and sugar, cooked in the oven. Often the pudding is supplemented with various
25 (minutes)1 (servings)02.6k.
How long does it take to cook barley porridge in water in a saucepan on the stove? Barley groats are made from barley by crushing the grains, which shortens cooking time while preserving
60 (minutes)2 (servings)04.2k.
Buckwheat with minced meat is a filling, tasty, healthy food and should be on our table, as nutritionists recommend, much more often than pasta with rice.
30 minutes)4 (servings)06.9k.
Most people do not see the difference between millet porridge and wheat, however, these are completely different cereals that differ not only in the cooking process
55 (minutes)2 (servings)07.2k.
Buckwheat with meat is a very simple and tasty dish that takes very little time to prepare. In combination with vegetables it turns out crazy
60 (minutes)4 (servings)09.1k.
Buckwheat, which is prepared in the merchant style, is a very healthy and tasty product, which, in addition to buckwheat, includes various types of meat, seasonings and vegetables.
20 minutes)4 (servings)01.1k.
If you adhere to proper nutrition, then rolled oats porridge cooked with milk is an excellent option for a healthy, tasty and nutritious breakfast.
60 (minutes)4 (servings)04.7k.
Both adults and children love sweet and very tasty corn porridge. A dish made from corn grits turns out to be very satisfying. At the same time, it is useful because
1 (hours)2 (servings)010.1k.
Porridge made from this cereal is very healthy and makes an incredibly tasty, tender dish that can be prepared for lunch or dinner in a short time.
35 (minutes)2 (servings)017.2k.
Rice porridge is a wonderful and healthy dish that is ideal for breakfast. You can add your favorite dried fruits, berries, nuts and others to it.
50 (minutes)4 (servings)02.5k.
Russian delicacy or semolina dessert. The history of the origin of this porridge, as well as the recipe options, can be found completely different. In this article we tried
35 (minutes)1 (servings)04.5k.
Semolina porridge with water is a universal dish that is perfect for a quick, hearty and healthy breakfast for both children and adults.
30 minutes)2 (servings)03.3k.
Recipes with photos that show in detail the sequence of all actions will help you cope with porridge. Rice porridge cooked in water will give
40 minutes)4 (servings)06.4k.
In order to prepare a quick, tasty, and most importantly healthy side dish or an independent dish, all you need is a little free time and the simplest
85 (minutes)2 (servings)01.6k.
There are several secrets to cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker. If you cook it with milk, be sure to add water so that the milk does not leak through the lid.
65 (minutes)6 (servings)09.7k.
Buckwheat porridge for many people is a taste of childhood. There are many recipes for its preparation that seem absolutely simple.
15 minutes)6 (servings)02.6k.
Lumpless semolina porridge with milk is a tasty and healthy breakfast dish that, if prepared correctly, will appeal to every member of the household.
35 (minutes)6 (servings)03.1k.
We offer a selection of recipes for making porridge from wheat cereals. When choosing cereal in a store, please note that it comes in different grinds.
35 (minutes)4 (servings)04.9k.
From such a simple and inexpensive product as barley, you can prepare delicious, nutritious porridges. The dish is useful for adults, elderly people and children.
35 (minutes)4 (servings)021.9k.
Buckwheat porridge is a popular and healthy product that is found in every home menu. You can prepare tasty porridge in various ways: with water
35 (minutes)4 (servings)110.2k.
Barley porridge is an excellent option for a nutritious family breakfast, lunch or dinner. The product can be prepared with water, milk, with the addition
45 minutes)4 (servings)09.3k.
Corn is rich in vitamins and is eaten fresh, canned, boiled and dried. Corn grits are used in preparing all kinds of dishes.
30 minutes)3 (servings)09.3k.
Corn porridge is a tasty dietary product that practically does not cause allergic reactions; it can be safely included even in a children's menu.
35 (minutes)2 (servings)05.9k.
Bulgur is a healthy product containing coarse dietary fiber, which absorbs excess fluid in the body, removes waste and toxins, and in combination with vegetables
40 minutes)5 (servings)134.1k.
Bulgur is a healthy and tasty cereal that is made from processed wheat. A great variety of dishes are prepared from this product: porridge, soups, pilaf and even salads.
40 minutes)4 (servings)03.3k.
Bulgur is a healthy and nutritious grain that has been popular in cooking since ancient times. The product can be cooked together with chicken.
35 (minutes)4 (servings)06.3k.
The combination of rice and pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy due to the successful combination of vitamins and minerals. In addition, carbohydrate cereals with vegetable fiber
50 (minutes)2 (servings)09.8k.
Millet porridge is a storehouse of useful microelements. And together with a pumpkin, its value doubles. This dish can be prepared for breakfast for the whole family.
30 minutes)2 (servings)0714
Porridge cooked in milk from rice cereal with the addition of bright pumpkin will become one of your favorite dishes from the first spoonful.
15 minutes)4 (servings)014k.
Oatmeal is a very healthy product that is suitable both for dietary nutrition and for those who want to improve the condition of their skin and intestines.
110 (minutes)4 (servings)015.2k.
Easy to prepare, pearl barley has a nutritious and bright taste. Homemade porridge will be an excellent side dish or an independent lunch dish.
65 (minutes)4 (servings)022k.
Pearl barley is a healthy cereal that is often served as a side dish to traditional Slavic dishes. It is healthy and contains many vitamins
50 (minutes)2 (servings)016.7k.
Millet porridge is an indispensable dish for those who want their food to be not only tasty, but also healthy. Millet contains a huge number of different
40 minutes)4 (servings)018k.
Millet porridge with milk can be a side dish or a complete breakfast dish. Cooking cereal with milk will make it more tender and flavorful.
45 minutes)3 (servings)020.3k.
In these 8 recipes we will share with you the experience of preparing delicious millet porridge with water.This porridge is very beneficial for muscles and skin, it contains slowly
25 (minutes)4 (servings)010.3k.
In a slow cooker, the porridge turns out crumbly and boiled, as if it came out of the oven. In addition, cooking in a slow cooker is very simple: you put in the ingredients and wait for the result.
50 (minutes)2 (servings)05.7k.
Pumpkin is a healthy crop, so during harvest it is added to all kinds of dishes. This article is dedicated to recipes for millet porridge with pumpkin.
20 minutes)4 (servings)010.3k.
Semolina porridge with milk is a symbol of childhood. The porridge is healthy and easy to prepare, the main thing is to take the ingredients in the right quantities. How to cook
25 (minutes)4 (servings)237.1k.
Flaky rice as a side dish is a very tasty and easy-to-make solution. This product will appeal to the taste of your home and will also complement many hot dishes.
40 minutes)6 (servings)06.2k.
Very tasty Friendship porridge with milk in a saucepan. Friendship porridge, familiar to many from childhood, will be an interesting idea for your family breakfast.
30 minutes)2 (servings)012.8k.
Corn porridge with milk is a tasty and healthy dish that will be an excellent breakfast for the whole family. After all, corn grits are famous for their high content
45 minutes)6 (servings)014.6k.
Millet porridge with pumpkin and milk is one of the healthiest and most delicious breakfasts. This porridge will definitely charge you with energy for the whole day and strengthen your body.
30 minutes)4 (servings)06.6k.
Loose wheat porridge with water is an excellent option for breakfast.But tasty and satisfying porridge is not only an ideal breakfast, but also an excellent side dish for.
15 minutes)3 (servings)09.7k.
Crispy barley porridge with water is a hearty and healthy side dish that goes well with almost any dish. In order for such porridge to turn out crumbly
30 minutes)3 (servings)233.1k.
Rice porridge with milk is a simple and quick option for breakfast. On our website you will find 10 delicious rice porridge recipes. Each recipe comes with


