Classic herring under a fur coat

Classic herring under a fur coat

The classic herring under a fur coat is a layered salad from the Soviet Union, where this dish was wildly popular. Whenever possible, this layered miracle of culinary art was prepared for every holiday, and it’s for sure that not a single New Year’s table was complete without a herring under a fur coat. Many people love this hearty salad to this day, so every self-respecting housewife should know how to prepare herring under a fur coat. With our help, you can learn 7 step-by-step recipes for preparing herring under a fur coat with photos of the layers and learn how to prepare an excellent tasty salad.

Classic herring under a fur coat - step-by-step sequence of layers in order

The classic “Herring under a fur coat” is prepared from a standard set of products that can be found in any home.For the salad you will need the following ingredients:

  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Chicken eggs
  • Herring
  • Potato
  • Mayonnaise

The beauty of the salad is that all the ingredients for it are cooked directly in the peel and shell. The whole complexity of the salad lies only in its assembly, and the products themselves are very easy to buy and prepare. Once all the vegetables are ready and the eggs are hard-boiled, cool the vegetables and begin chopping and assembling.

You can cut vegetables as you like - finely or coarsely, into cubes or strips - this does not have a decisive impact on the taste of herring under a fur coat. But the sequence of layers should be observed in order for the taste of the puff salad to be as complete as possible.

In a wide or oblong dish, begin to assemble the lettuce. To start, you need to lay out a layer of finely chopped herring, and then add onion rings or cubes. Sprinkle the fish and onion layer generously with mayonnaise and begin to assemble the second layer. Place the potatoes on a dish and cover the layer with mayonnaise again; after this come chopped eggs, carrots and mayonnaise. After the eggs, carrots and mayonnaise are usually added, and beets are added to the salad last. The last layer of salad should be poured generously with mayonnaise so that all layers are well soaked.

You can make one thick layer of all the ingredients, or make thinner layers and use larger quantities. Then you will constantly alternate layers and products. In addition, you can not soak each layer with mayonnaise separately, but immediately combine the mayonnaise and mix the desired product. Assembling a salad depends not only on the rules, but also on your imagination; The main thing to remember is that the last layer must be generously covered with mayonnaise and decorated with fresh herbs.

Herring under a fur coat with onion and egg - a classic recipe with layers in order

The classic herring under a fur coat is prepared with an egg in the composition, since the taste of this product helps to dilute the taste of the vegetables in the composition. Preparing this salad is not very difficult, you just need to remember the sequence of layers and do not skimp on mayonnaise.

Classic herring under a fur coat

+6 (servings)
  • Herring 400 (grams)
  • Potato 2 (things)
  • Carrot 1 (things)
  • Bulb onions 1 (things)
  • Beet 1 (things)
  • Chicken egg 3 (things)
  • Mayonnaise 300 (grams)
  • Dill  taste
  • Green onion  taste
Per serving
Calories: 116 kcal
Proteins: 5.1 G
Fats: 6.3 G
Carbohydrates: 9.4 G
90 min.
  1. The classic herring under a fur coat is easy to prepare using a step-by-step recipe. First, you need to prepare all the ingredients in advance. Boil vegetables (except onions) until fully cooked, and then peel. Also boil the eggs. Pickle it yourself or buy ready-pickled herring. From the prepared ingredients, start assembling the salad. Place the first layer of finely chopped herring, from which you need to very carefully remove all the small bones in advance. You can cut the herring into cubes or strips, the main thing is that the pieces are not large.
    The classic herring under a fur coat is easy to prepare using a step-by-step recipe. First, you need to prepare all the ingredients in advance. Boil vegetables (except onions) until fully cooked, and then peel. Also boil the eggs. Pickle it yourself or buy ready-pickled herring. From the prepared ingredients, start assembling the salad. Place the first layer of finely chopped herring, from which you need to very carefully remove all the small bones in advance. You can cut the herring into cubes or strips, the main thing is that the pieces are not large.
  2. Without covering the herring with mayonnaise, place the chopped onion directly on it. It can also be chopped into cubes, or cut into neat half-rings or rings - if the onion is small.
    Without covering the herring with mayonnaise, place the chopped onion directly on it. It can also be chopped into cubes, or cut into neat half-rings or rings - if the onion is small.
  3. Season the onion layer with a little mayonnaise, evenly distributing the mixture over the surface of the layer.
    Season the onion layer with a little mayonnaise, evenly distributing the mixture over the surface of the layer.
  4. Next, place the boiled potatoes on the onion layer.Chop the tubers as finely as possible, and then lay them out in a thick layer.
    Next, place the boiled potatoes on the onion layer. Chop the tubers as finely as possible, and then lay them out in a thick layer.
  5. Coat the potato layer of the herring under the fur coat with mayonnaise so that it is not too dry. Spread the mayonnaise thoroughly and assemble the next layer.
    Coat the potato layer of the herring under the fur coat with mayonnaise so that it is not too dry. Spread the mayonnaise thoroughly and assemble the next layer.
  6. Then it’s the turn of the carrots. It must be grated on a medium grater and carefully spread over the previous layer, leveling the root crop.
    Then it’s the turn of the carrots.It must be grated on a medium grater and carefully spread over the previous layer, leveling the root crop.
  7. This carrot layer also needs to be moistened with mayonnaise, just like in the previous layers.
    This carrot layer also needs to be moistened with mayonnaise, just like in the previous layers.
  8. Last but not least, the salad is complemented with eggs and beets. First, grate the eggs and carefully place them on the surface of the salad.
    Last but not least, the salad is complemented with eggs and beets. First, grate the eggs and carefully place them on the surface of the salad.
  9. And then, without adding mayonnaise, place the grated beets in the topmost layer, flavoring them with a good thick portion of mayonnaise. Be sure to smooth the top mayonnaise layer thoroughly to make the salad look beautiful.
    And then, without adding mayonnaise, place the grated beets in the topmost layer, flavoring them with a good thick portion of mayonnaise. Be sure to smooth the top mayonnaise layer thoroughly to make the salad look beautiful.
  10. Let the finished salad soak in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, and then serve it to the table, sprinkled with green onions and dill. Herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe is ready!
    Let the finished salad soak in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, and then serve it to the table, sprinkled with green onions and dill. Herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe is ready!

Bon appetit!

Delicious recipe for herring under a fur coat with apple

A salad as heavy on the esophagus as a herring under a fur coat can be given freshness by adding the most common apple. With it, the salad will have a slight sourness and freshness.


  • Salted herring – 400 gr.
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Apple – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 300 gr.
  • Dill - to taste
  • Green onions - to taste

Cooking process:

1. First, you need to start preparing the ingredients for the salad. Potatoes, beets and carrots must be thoroughly washed and then boiled without peeling the vegetables. Boil the eggs hard in a separate container, and simply wash the onions and apples and set them aside.

2. When the vegetables are ready, leave them to cool completely. After this, carefully peel and chop all the ingredients. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, and also grate the beets on a medium grater. You can pass the eggs through an egg cutter.

3. Grate the apples for the salad last and immediately after that start assembling the salad.

4. Place the first layer of salad on boiled potatoes, which should be mixed well with mayonnaise or covered with a layer of mayonnaise and apples. Place onions and herring on the potatoes and apples, which can be mixed or laid out in layers.

5. Then you need to pour mayonnaise over the salad again, and after that add a layer of carrots and apples. These products can be mixed or put in two layers with apples on top. The layer needs to be poured with mayonnaise, like the previous ones.

6. The very last layers are beets and eggs. Some people put beets under their eggs, others do the opposite - it’s up to your taste. The top layer of the salad should be well treated with mayonnaise and spread beautifully over the top of the salad and sides.

7. Place the finished herring under a fur coat in the refrigerator for at least two hours, then garnish with herbs and serve.

Rolled herring under a fur coat

Preparing the famous puff pastry salad with herring in the form of a roll will take a little longer than preparing a regular dish. However, such a Salad can become a magnificent decoration for the holiday table and surprise your loved ones.


  • Herring - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Beetroot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.

Cooking process:

1. First you need to boil carrots, beets, potatoes and eggs. Peel the finished ingredients and be sure to cool them in the refrigerator.2. Gently squeeze the carrots for the salad and then grate them on a medium grater. Also grate the beets on a medium grater, finely chop the egg. Cut the onion into rings, cut the herring into small pieces, and crush the potatoes into a thick paste.

3.Place cling film on a cutting board and place a layer of beets on it. Layers for the roll should be laid out in reverse order. Place an egg on the beets and brush the whole thing with mayonnaise.

4. Then place a layer of carrots, not forgetting to add mayonnaise, and spread the potatoes onto the carrots, brushing the layer with mayonnaise.

5. The last layer should be laid out with herring and onions; You can mix these ingredients or put onion half rings first, and only then the herring.6. When all layers of salad are ready, carefully brush the top layer with mayonnaise and begin to wrap the roll, holding the edges of the film.

7. Wrap the puff salad tightly in film, then place it in the refrigerator so that it hardens and holds its shape well. Serve the finished salad on a beautiful platter, serving the salad on green leaves.

Recipe for classic herring under a fur coat without eggs

The well-known puff salad is sometimes prepared without chicken eggs, so we decided to give you a recipe for such a salad. It will be lighter than the classic one, but will not be inferior to it in taste.


  • Herring (salted) - 400 gr.
  • Onions - 150 gr.
  • Carrots - 150-200 gr.
  • Potatoes - 200 gr.
  • Beets - 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.

Cooking process:

1. All ingredients for the salad, except onions and herring, need to be boiled until fully cooked and cooled. Boil vegetables directly in their skins.

2. When the salad ingredients have cooled, begin assembling the dish in a wide plate or salad bowl. First, grease the dish with mayonnaise, just a little, and then finely chop the potatoes and lay out the first layer.3. Cover the potatoes with mayonnaise, and then lay out a layer of herring, which must first be cut into small cubes.

4.On a layer of salted herring you need to put onions, which can be cut into rings or small cubes and covered with mayonnaise.

5. Lastly, grate the carrots and beets; you can mix the vegetables or lay them out in layers. First put the carrots, and put the beets on it.

6. The topmost layer of the salad should be mayonnaise. You need to spread it in a thick layer over the top layer of the salad, and also carefully grease the sides with mayonnaise (if you are assembling the salad on a platter).7. Place the finished herring under a fur coat without eggs to steep in the refrigerator for at least two hours. After this time, serve the salad, garnishing it with a sprig of fresh parsley.

Lazy herring under a fur coat without layers

Lazy herring under a fur coat is not collected in layers, but simply mixed together. This method may not look as beautiful as the classic one, but the taste is no different from it. If you don’t have enough time, but want to prepare this salad, our recipe will come in handy.


  • Herring - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Beetroot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.

Cooking process:

1. Without peeling, boil the beets, carrots and potatoes until fully cooked. Let the prepared vegetables cool completely, while at this time boil the eggs and prepare other ingredients.

2. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and grate or chop in a convenient way. Finely chop the herring and chop the onion as you like - into rings or small pieces.

3. Peel the cooled boiled vegetables, then grate the carrots and beets separately on a medium grater. Chop the potatoes very finely with a knife.

4.Take a deep, beautiful salad bowl and put herring, onions and beets in it, add mayonnaise and mix.

5. Then put potatoes, carrots and eggs in the salad bowl, add more mayonnaise and mix everything together.

6. Level the top of the salad and cover it with a layer of mayonnaise, put a sprig of parsley or finely chopped herbs on top and put the salad in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

7. Serve lazy herring under a fur coat in a beautiful salad bowl or portions in small bowls.

Bon appetit!

Herring under a fur coat in lavash

Herring under a fur coat in lavash can be not just a salad, but an excellent cold appetizer that will diversify your table. It’s not at all difficult to prepare a herring roll under a fur coat in lavash, and the result will definitely please you.


  • Herring - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Beetroot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.
  • Thin lavash - 1 pack

Cooking process:

1. First you need to boil carrots, beets, potatoes and eggs. Peel the finished ingredients and be sure to cool them in the refrigerator.

2. Gently squeeze the carrots for the salad and then grate them on a medium grater. Also grate the beets on a medium grater, finely chop the egg. Cut the onion into rings, cut the herring into small pieces, and crush the potatoes into a thick paste.

3. Spread the pita breads on the table, slightly overlapping them on top of each other. First place a layer of beets on the pita bread. The layers for the salad in the pita bread can be laid out in the reverse order or in any way you wish. Place an egg on the beets and brush the whole thing with mayonnaise.

4. Then place a layer of carrots, not forgetting to add mayonnaise, and spread the potatoes over the carrots. Add a layer of mayonnaise again.

5.The last layer should be laid out with herring and onions; You can mix these ingredients or put onion half rings first, and only then the herring.

6. When all layers of salad are ready, carefully brush the top layer with mayonnaise and begin to wrap the lavash roll, pressing each turn tightly and tucking the edges of the lavash inward.

7. Place the salad wrapped in pita bread in the refrigerator for about an hour or two. Then take out the roll and cut it into pieces two to three centimeters thick.

Step-by-step recipe for herring under a fur coat with cheese

Herring under a fur coat with cheese is some kind of innovation that came to us after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A wonderful, mouth-watering salad is prepared just as easily as the classic recipe. However, cheese adds some new notes to the taste of the dish, which perfectly complement the main taste of the dish.


  • Herring (salted) - 400 gr.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Regular cheese – 150 gr.
  • Onions - 150 gr.
  • Carrots - 150-200 gr.
  • Potatoes - 200 gr.
  • Beets - 150-200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.

Cooking process:

1. All ingredients for the salad, except onions and herring, need to be boiled until fully cooked and cooled. Boil vegetables directly in their peels, and be sure to boil eggs hard-boiled.2. When the salad ingredients have cooled, begin assembling the dish in a wide plate or salad bowl. Peel the vegetables and eggs and then chop them. Place the potatoes as the first layer, and put a little grated cheese on it.

3. Cover the potatoes with cheese with mayonnaise, and then lay out a layer of herring, which must first be cut into small cubes.

4. On a layer of salted herring you need to put onions, which can be cut into rings or very small cubes.Distribute the onion evenly and add a layer of mayonnaise, which in turn sprinkle with cheese.

5. Lastly, grate the carrots and beets; you can mix the vegetables or lay them out in layers. First put the carrots, and put the beets on it.6. The topmost layer of the salad should be mayonnaise, onto which you need to pour the remaining cheese and chicken eggs, finely chopped. Mayonnaise should be spread in a thick layer over the top layer of the salad, and also carefully grease the sides with mayonnaise (if you are assembling the salad on a platter).

7. Place the finished herring under a fur coat with eggs and cheese to steep in the refrigerator for at least two hours or longer. After this time, serve the salad, garnishing it with a sprig of fresh parsley or other herbs of your choice.

Salad “Shuba” with herring and red caviar

“Shuba” salad with herring and red caviar is a festive appetizer that will diversify your menu and decorate the table. Thanks to the addition of red caviar, the salad acquires a light salty taste and an “elegant” appearance that is impossible to resist!

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Portions – 8.


  • Salted herring fillet – 300 gr.
  • Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Boiled beets – 1 pc.
  • Boiled carrots – 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 150 gr.
  • Red caviar – 50 gr.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Lay out everything you need on your desktop.

Step 2. Place the split ring on a flat dish, put grated potatoes on the bottom, grease with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Step 3. Lay out the fish slices and cover with mayonnaise.

Step 4. Sprinkle with finely chopped onions and season with mayonnaise.

Step 5. Rub boiled and peeled eggs on top, don’t forget about mayonnaise.

Step 6.Similarly, lay out the carrots and beets.

Step 7. Make a neat and beautiful mesh of mayonnaise, randomly arrange red caviar. Cook and have fun!

Herring under a fur coat in tartlets for the festive table

Herring under a fur coat in tartlets for a festive table is an original and spectacular appetizer, which is prepared from the same ingredients as the salad. However, the main advantage of this dish is the portioned serving, which looks very advantageous with a variety of snacks.

Cooking time – 60 min.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Portions – 5.


  • Tartlets – 10 pcs.
  • Herring fillet – 200 gr.
  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
  • Greens - to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Before starting cooking, boil the vegetables and eggs until fully cooked, remove all the bones from the fish fillet.

Step 2. Cut the herring into small segments and chop the onion.

Step 3. Grind potatoes, beets and carrots using a grater.

Step 4. Mix vegetable shavings with mayonnaise.

Step 5. Place a little fish and onion on the bottom of each tartlet, and vegetable mixture on top.

Step 6. Decorate with greens and serve. Bon appetit!

Herring under a fur coat with gelatin

Herring under a fur coat with gelatin differs from the classic presentation in its absolutely amazing appearance, which raises many questions and delights guests, because not all housewives can boast of such a serving. Let's get started!

Cooking time – 90 min.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Portions – 8.


  • Lightly salted herring fillet – 300 gr.
  • Boiled beets – 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots – 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 250 gr.
  • Sour cream – 250 gr.
  • Gelatin – 15 gr.
  • Green onion – 1 bunch.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Squeeze the specified amount of mayonnaise and sour cream into a saucepan.

Step 2. Blend the ingredients with a blender and heat to 40-45 degrees, stir in instant gelatin and after 10 minutes go through the blender again.

Step 3. We clean the pre-boiled vegetables and eggs.

Step 4. Cut all vegetables into medium-sized cubes. Fill the beets with the fourth part of the filling and stir.

Step 5. Line a deep form with film, spread the beet mass and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens.

Step 6. Cut the fish into cubes and combine with onions or green onions and liquid dressing - pour over the beets. Each component should be mixed with the dressing and only then added to the salad.

Step 7. Next, potatoes and carrots.

Step 8. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator for at least three hours to harden.

Step 9. After time, carefully turn the mold over and remove the film.

Step 10. Serve and enjoy. Bon appetit!

How can you replace mayonnaise in herring under a fur coat?

If it suddenly happens that you don’t have mayonnaise on hand, guests are on the doorstep, and everything for the salad is already ready, then you can try to do without mayonnaise. There are just a lot of ways to do without store-bought mayonnaise.

Firstly, you can always quickly make homemade mayonnaise using a blender if you have the necessary ingredients on hand. For homemade mayonnaise you need butter, eggs and mustard powder. As a rule, all this is available in any kitchen, so after spending no more than ten minutes of time you will get a completely natural, mouth-watering mayonnaise. You can prepare tartar sauce in approximately the same way, only you will need to add pickled cucumber and herbs.This sauce will go perfectly with herring under a fur coat. In addition to homemade mayonnaise, you can make a sauce from sour cream by whipping it in a blender with garlic and herbs.

If you just don’t like mayonnaise and want to replace it in the recipe for herring under a fur coat with something new and unusual, then cheese sauce or garlic sauce, which can be bought at any grocery store today, goes perfectly with the classic recipes for this layered salad.

For a healthier, lower-calorie salad, there are other substitutions; firstly, you can combine egg yolks (boiled) with fresh sour cream and mustard. The result is a low-fat, delicate sauce with a spicy flavor. If you beat plain yogurt with cottage cheese, boiled yolks, mustard and herbs in a blender, you will get a wonderful thick yogurt sauce that will have a minimum of calories and maximum benefits.

What can replace herring?

Today you can prepare a lot of different dishes without worrying that any product will not be in the store. In Soviet times, where most of our hearty, fatty dishes like liver cake, Mimosa salad or herring under a fur coat came from, food was not so easy to get. However, now, if desired, you can modernize the recipes of familiar dishes and make them even better.

Of course, first of all, the herring in the salad can be replaced with salted red fish. This salad will be more expensive, but very tasty. Red fish goes well with cheese, so it would be appropriate to make such a salad at least for testing. For real gourmets, there is an option when instead of herring they put caviar in the fur coat. True, then you need to make the layers thin and constantly alternate the ingredients.If you just want to try another fish instead of herring, then take mackerel or salmon; This fish will be especially piquant in a salad if you take the smoked and salted version.

In addition, you can replace salted herring or other fish with canned fish - tuna, mackerel, and anchovies. Just choose the canned food that suits your taste best. If you wish, try the version with cod or cod liver, it will also be very tasty.

Among the exotic options for a salad beloved by many is replacing herring with seaweed. This is an excellent alternative option for those who for some reason do not eat fish and seafood.

( 416 grades, average 4.99 from 5 )
Number of comments: 10
  1. Anastasia

    An incredibly healthy selection of recipes for the upcoming holiday. I only made it according to the classics, I didn’t try it in lavash. Many thanks to the author

  2. Oleg

    I didn’t think that I could learn anything new about the “herring under a fur coat” salad, but thanks to this article I learned a new original “fur coat” - with caviar instead of herring. I’ll definitely have to try it, but of course the salad dish won’t be that big; if you put in little caviar, there won’t be any taste, but we’ll definitely make a small salad bowl for the New Year. And we don’t chop vegetables, but grate them on a coarse grater, quickly and conveniently.

  3. Yuri

    Thank you! I had already forgotten how my mother did it, but now I remember. Everything is correct) Thank you

    1. Tamara

      My pleasure! Happy upcoming you!

  4. Tatiana

    Thank you, I really liked the article, there is a lot to take into account!

    1. Tamara

      Tatyana, hello! And thank you for your comment!

  5. Faina

    Won't the roll fall apart?

    1. Tamara

      Faina, hello! The roll will not fall apart.He will be eaten quickly! And it will be in the refrigerator all the time.

  6. Olga

    Thanks for reminding me of the layer order and ingredients of the classic herring under a fur coat! I make it almost every year and always forget. The salad turned out great!

  7. Ulyana

    I prepared herring under a fur coat for the old New Year according to the first classic recipe. It turned out very tasty! Although it couldn’t have been any other way. Layers and ingredients are constantly forgotten, you have to look on the Internet every year. Thank you!


