Cherry plum compote for the winter

Cherry plum compote for the winter

Cherry plum compote for the winter is a simple and very tasty preparation. Who among us did not enjoy cherry plum compote as a child? But such a drink is not only an excellent sweet, but also a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which, by the way, will come in handy during winter. We offer you 7 different recipes for cherry plum compote.

Cherry plum compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar

A delicious fresh drink that you can treat yourself to even in winter thanks to its preservation. This recipe is designed for a 3-liter jar and is incredibly easy to follow.

Cherry plum compote for the winter

+3 (liters)
  • Cherry plum 300 (grams)
  • Granulated sugar 9 (tablespoons)
  • Water 3 (liters)
80 min.
  1. How to prepare cherry plum compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar? We wash the cherry plum and remove all the seeds.
    How to prepare cherry plum compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar? We wash the cherry plum and remove all the seeds.
  2. Fill about a third of the jar with berries.
    Fill about a third of the jar with berries.
  3. Boil water and pour cherry plum in a jar. Cover the jar with a lid, wrap it up and leave it to cool overnight.
    Boil water and pour cherry plum in a jar. Cover the jar with a lid, wrap it up and leave it to cool overnight.
  4. In the morning, drain the water, bring to a boil and dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the mixture into a jar and roll it up.
    In the morning, drain the water, bring to a boil and dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the mixture into a jar and roll it up.
  5. Wrap the jar and leave for 1 day. Store the finished compote in a cool place. Bon appetit!
    Wrap the jar and leave for 1 day. Store the finished compote in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Cherry plum compote with citric acid in a 3-liter jar

A delicate sweet and sour compote that will delight you and your household all winter. This recipe does not require sterilization, so this compote is prepared quickly and easily.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 15 min.

Servings – 10.


  • Cherry plum – 1 bucket
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg.
  • Citric acid – 1 pack.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the cherry plum in cold water, remove the stalks and dry.

2. Fill clean jars with cherry plum about a third.

3. Add sugar to the jars.

4. We also add citric acid to the cherry plum, which will act as a preservative.

5. Pour boiling water over the cherry plum, cover the jars with lids and leave for 20 minutes.

6. Drain the liquid into the pan using a colander or a special lid.

7. Bring the liquid to a boil and pour it into jars again. We roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool. Bon appetit!

Delicious cherry plum and orange compote for the winter

A pleasant warming compote with subtle citrus notes will brighten up any winter evening. It is quite simple to prepare and can be stored for a long time. And most importantly, such a drink retains many useful substances, which are often so lacking in winter.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 20 min.

Servings – 3.


  • Cherry plum – 600 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 150 gr.
  • Orange – 2 pcs.
  • Cloves – 4 pcs.
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick
  • Water – 2 l.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize them.

2. Wash the oranges and peel them.

3. Cut the oranges into thin slices.

4. Wash the cherry plum and dry it.

5. Place oranges and cherry plums in jars.

6.Add orange zest to the water, also add a cinnamon stick, sugar and cloves. Bring the mixture to a boil.

7. Pour the liquid into jars and cover them with lids.

8. We send the jars to sterilize in a saucepan for half an hour.

9. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket.

10. Transfer the cooled compote to a cool place. Bon appetit!

How to prepare a fragrant cherry plum compote with mint?

A fresh sweet and sour drink that perfectly quenches thirst and is full of vitamins. The taste of cherry plum is perfectly complemented by mint and raspberries, and such a compote will definitely take root on your table, especially since it is easy to prepare and can be stored for a very long time.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings – 6.


  • Cherry plum – 600 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 250 gr.
  • Raspberries – 200 gr.
  • Mint – 4 pcs.
  • Water – 5.5 l.

Cooking process:

1. Thoroughly wash the jars with soda and sterilize it over steam.

2. Wash the cherry plum and raspberries, and if desired, remove the seeds from the cherry plum.

3. Wash the mint sprigs and place it together with the berries in jars.

4. Pour sugar into the water and bring the mixture to a boil, then cook over low heat for about 5 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Pour the hot mixture into jars.

6. Roll them up using sterile lids.

7. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool for 24 hours. Bon appetit!

A simple and tasty recipe for red cherry plum compote for the winter

A beautiful and tasty red cherry plum compote has a rich sweet and sour taste and perfectly quenches thirst. This drink is incredibly useful in winter and stores well.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings – 6.


  • Red cherry plum – 450 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 270 gr.
  • Citric acid – 6 g.
  • Water – 3 l.

Cooking process:

1. We wash the cherry plum under running water in a colander, then let the water drain.

2. Place the cherry plum in a sterilized jar and add citric acid.

3. Pour boiling water into the jar so that it is about a third full. Cover it with a lid and leave to steep for 4 minutes. After this, pour in the remaining water, again cover the jar with a lid and leave for another 15 minutes.

4. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil the liquid for about 3 minutes over moderate heat.

5. Pour the syrup back into the jar and roll it up.

6. Turn the jar upside down, cover with a blanket or warm towel and leave to cool to room temperature. Store the finished compote in a cool and dark place. Bon appetit!

Delicious compote of cherry plum and zucchini for the winter

The combination of zucchini and cherry plum may seem strange, but the taste of this compote is rather reminiscent of pineapple. On a cold winter evening, a cup of delicious compote will come in handy.

Cooking time: 1 day.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings – 6.


  • Red cherry plum – 300 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 150 gr.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Citric acid – 0.5 tsp.
  • Water – 1.5 l.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the jar thoroughly and sterilize it along with the lid.

2. Wash and dry the cherry plum.

3. We also wash the zucchini, peel it and cut it into two halves.

4. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.

5. Place the zucchini in a jar, and pour cherry plum on top.

. Pour boiling water into the jar, cover with a lid and leave for about 10 minutes. Pour the water into the pan and bring to a boil again. Pour water into the jar again, leave it to steep and pour it back into the pan and bring to a boil.

7.Pour sugar and citric acid into a jar.

8. Pour boiling water into the jar for the third time, roll it up and turn it over.

9. Wrap the jar in a warm blanket and leave it for a day. Bon appetit!

Cherry plum and apple compote in 3 liter jars for the winter

Apple and cherry plum are a wonderful complementary duet, full of vitamins and rich taste. This drink is good all year round: in summer it will perfectly quench your thirst, and in winter it will help replenish the supply of nutrients in the body.

Cooking time: 12 hours.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings – 6.


  • Red cherry plum – 500 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 450 gr.
  • Apples – 500 gr.
  • Citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

1. Wash and sterilize jars for compote. Boil the lids.

2. Clean the cherry plum from the stalks and rinse with cool water.

3. Cut the apples into small pieces and also wash them.

4. Place apples in a jar.

5. Sprinkle cherry plum on top of the apples.

6. Pour boiling water into the jar and cover it with a lid. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

7. Pour the water back into the pan, add sugar and citric acid, and bring the liquid to a boil.

8. Pour the syrup into the jar, seal it and turn it upside down. Let the jar cool to room temperature.

9. Store the finished compote in a cool place. Bon appetit!

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