Making eclairs is one task, but filling them with something delicious is an interesting question, so if you are planning to treat yourself to homemade baked goods with filling, we strongly recommend that you read the article, which contains the most delicious and proven cream recipes. Creamy, ice cream, chocolate ganache, protein and many other creams, so everyone will surely find an option to suit their taste and create the most fragrant and tender eclairs, prepared with their own hands with all the love and care.
- Custard for eclairs - a classic recipe
- Cream for eclairs with condensed milk
- Homemade protein cream for eclairs
- Delicious buttercream for eclairs
- Homemade cream for eclairs
- Classic recipe for cream for eclairs according to GOST USSR
- Whipped cream for eclairs
- Homemade cream for eclairs with boiled condensed milk
- Chocolate ganache for eclairs
- Cream filling for eclairs
Custard for eclairs - a classic recipe
We present to your attention an incredibly tasty filling for eclairs according to a classic recipe, which is used not only by amateur cooks, but also by professional chefs. And the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation makes this delicacy even more attractive.
- Cow's milk 2 (glasses)
- Butter 250 (grams)
- Granulated sugar 180 (grams)
- Vanillin 1 pinch
- Potato starch 30 (grams)
- Chicken egg 2 (things)
Eclair cream is easy to make at home.In a bowl with high sides, carefully grind two chicken eggs with a glass of sugar.
Add 30 grams of potato starch and mix.
Add milk into the mixture in a thin stream and stir with a whisk until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat, let it bubble for a couple of minutes and remove from the heat. Add butter and stir again.
Cover the custard with cling film in contact and put it in the refrigerator for about 4 hours to stabilize, and then fill the eclairs. Bon appetit!
Cream for eclairs with condensed milk
Just once, having prepared homemade eclairs filled with boiled condensed milk and butter, you will forever forget about going to pastry shops for store-bought sweets. This homemade dessert has an incredibly delicate taste and amazing texture.
Cooking time – 1 hour 20 minutes
Cooking time – 40 min.
Portions – 5.
For the test:
- Water – 200 ml.
- Butter – 100 gr.
- Eggs – 4 pcs.
- Flour – 180 gr.
- Salt – 1 pinch.
- Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
For cream:
- Uncooked condensed milk – 9 tbsp.
- Butter – 180 gr.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Sift the flour into a deep plate through a fine sieve and mix with a pinch of salt.
Step 2. Pour water into a saucepan, add butter and bring to a boil.
Step 3. Pour flour into the creamy mixture.
Step 4. Thoroughly mix the ingredients in the pan and boil for two minutes.
Step 5. Cool the resulting mass and then beat in the eggs one at a time.
Step 6. When adding each egg, mix the dough thoroughly using a blender.
Step 7. Beat the ingredients until smooth.
Step 8Grease a baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil and pour the dough through a pastry syringe.
Step 9. Form the required number of blanks.
Step 10. And bake them for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Step 11. Without wasting time, let's make the cream: beat the softened butter a little and gradually pour in the condensed milk.
Step 12. Beat the filling ingredients and you're done.
Step 13. In the slightly cooled eclairs, make small cuts on the side and fill them with cream.
Step 14. Decorate the delicacy to your liking, brew tea and start the meal. Bon appetit!
Homemade protein cream for eclairs
A quick and tasty treat for tea - real eclairs, like in a pastry shop with custard protein cream. We will prepare the filling for the dessert without adding butter, which makes the treat incredibly light and airy. And the cream itself holds its shape perfectly and has a smooth, even texture.
Cooking time – 60 min.
Cooking time - 20 minutes.
Portions – 6.
For eclairs:
- Water – 200 ml.
- Butter – 90 gr.
- Eggs – 3 pcs.
- Flour – 120 gr.
- Salt – 1/3 tsp.
For cream:
- Proteins – 4 pcs.
- Granulated sugar – 200 gr.
- Citric acid – 1 pinch.
- Vanillin – 1 pinch.
Cooking process:
Step 1. In a saucepan, combine water, salt and butter at room temperature - put it on the stove and wait for it to dissolve.
Step 2. As soon as the creamy component melts, add flour.
Step 3. Mix the ingredients intensively, without removing the heat-resistant bowl from the heat, until the dough acquires a smooth texture. Cool the resulting mass by stirring.
Step 4. Beat the eggs into the slightly cooled dough, one at a time.
Step 5.The finished product should have such a consistency that it flows slowly from a spoon.
Step 6. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and pipe out the oblong “sausages” using a pastry bag.
Step 7. In order to smooth out the unevenness, wet your finger in water and give it the desired shape. Place the pieces in the oven for 20 minutes at 190 degrees, and then reduce to 170 and another 15 minutes.
Step 8. Meanwhile, prepare the cream: in a glass bowl, mix the whites with citric acid, vanillin and sugar. Place the resulting mass in a water bath and begin to beat: first at minimum speed for about three minutes, and then, increasing the speed, for another 12 minutes.
Step 9. When voids begin to appear in the whites, remove from the bath and mix with a mixer for 3 minutes.
Step 10. Stable and fragrant cream is ready.
Step 11. Let's start molding: make a small slot on the side of each eclair and fill it with egg white cream (we transfer the cream into a pastry bag in advance).
Step 12. If desired, decorate the tops of the cakes with the remaining cream and serve. Bon appetit!
Delicious buttercream for eclairs
We invite you to fill homemade aromatic eclairs with a classic butter-based cream, under the beautiful name “Charlotte”. This filling makes you fall in love with it from the first bite, and the cooking process is so simple that absolutely everyone, without exception, can handle it.
Cooking time – 40 min.
Cooking time - 10 min.
Portions – 8.
- Butter – 250 gr.
- Granulated sugar – 200 gr.
- Milk – 200 ml.
- Egg – 1 pc.
- Granulated vanilla sugar – 10 gr.
- Cognac – 1 tbsp.
Cooking process:
Step 1. In a saucepan, combine milk, vanilla sugar and regular egg - using a whisk, mix until smooth.
Step 2. Place a heat-resistant bowl over low heat and simmer, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened (when the mass envelops the whisk). Cool the resulting syrup at room temperature.
Step 3. Beat the softened butter with a mixer until the color changes, namely lightening.
Step 4. Pour the custard base into the butter in portions, without ceasing to work with the mixer. To add a rich aroma, add just a little cognac.
Step 5. Stir the buttercream until the surface is smooth and shiny.
Bon appetit!
Homemade cream for eclairs
Eclairs or custard cakes are an incredibly delicious dessert that is ideal for serving on a holiday table or for a variety of Sunday tea parties for your family. Let's fill this delicacy with butter cream according to the simplest recipe and treat ourselves and our guests with fragrant homemade cakes!
Cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes
Cooking time - 30 min.
Portions – 8.
- Eggs – 4 pcs.
- Water – 1 tbsp.
- Butter – 100 gr.
- Cream 33% – 200 ml.
- Powdered sugar – 70 gr.
- Flour – 1 tbsp.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Pour water into a heat-resistant dish with high sides and put oil - put it on the stove.
Step 2. Mix the ingredients and wait until the oil is completely dissolved in hot water.
Step 3. Pour flour into the cream mixture and stir vigorously until smooth.
Step 4. Let the dough cool slightly and then add the chicken eggs (one at a time).
Step 5. The result is a shiny and smooth texture.
Step 6. Using a cooking bag, place the dough on a baking sheet (pre-cover it with a parchment sheet), forming oblong or round eclairs.
Step 7Bake for 10-15 minutes at 190-180 degrees, and then reduce the temperature to 175 and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Step 8. For the cream, combine heavy cream and powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until stable peaks form.
Step 9. Let the rosy eclairs cool a little, and then make small cuts on the side and fill the voids with butter cream. Bon appetit!
Classic recipe for cream for eclairs according to GOST USSR
Surely, each of you remembers the unforgettable taste of “Soviet” eclairs with custard, which were sold in every buffet and canteen. So why not treat yourself to a tasty treat that you have known since childhood? Let's prepare the same cream for cakes without spending a lot of time and effort.
Cooking time – 40 min.
Cooking time - 15 minutes.
Portions – 12.
- Granulated sugar – 275 gr.
- Butter – 230 gr.
- Egg – 1 pc.
- Milk – 185 ml.
- Vanillin – 10 gr.
- Cognac – 1 tbsp.
Cooking process:
Step 1. In a deep plate, mix milk, egg and granulated sugar.
Step 2. Pour the milk-egg mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat and let it bubble for two minutes, then cool.
Step 3. In a separate bowl, beat the butter and vanilla until white.
Step 4. Introduce the cooled custard base into the butter foam in a thin stream, without stopping working with the mixer. Pour in a little cognac, but this is optional.
Step 5. Fill pre-prepared eclairs with lush cream and feel nostalgic.
Bon appetit!
Whipped cream for eclairs
Eclairs are a favorite pastry of many, which can easily be prepared at home by purchasing products according to the list and armed with a mixer.Custard pies are filled with various creams: butter, cream, ice cream, but today we will focus on the filling of whipped cream and powdered sugar.
Cooking time – 1 hour 10 minutes
Cooking time – 25 min.
Portions – 8-10.
For eclairs:
- Milk – 150 ml.
- Water – 150 ml.
- Butter – 120 gr.
- Flour – 200 gr.
- Eggs – 5-6 pcs.
For cream:
- Cream 33% – 700 ml.
- Powdered sugar – 200 gr.
For decoration:
- Bitter chocolate – 50 gr.
- Cream 10-15% – 50 ml.
Cooking process:
Step 1. We start cooking with the dough: combine water, milk and butter in a saucepan - put it on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil, wait until the butter is completely dissolved.
Step 2. Add flour to the creamy mass and quickly stir the ingredients until a lump forms - boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat, let cool a little.
Step 3. As soon as the custard base approaches room temperature, beat in the eggs one at a time and mix thoroughly.
Step 4. The finished dough should hold its shape and drip quite a bit from the utensils.
Step 5. Line a baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper and place the eclairs using a pastry bag with a nozzle - bake for about 20-30 minutes at 190 degrees.
Step 6. While the custard cakes are cooling, let's make the cream: mix cold cream with powdered sugar.
Step 7. Beat the two components with a mixer for at least 5 minutes until stable peaks form.
Step 8. Generously fill the cooled eclairs with airy cream.
Step 9. For decoration, melt the chocolate, pour in the cream and mix well - apply the pattern in a thin stream. Bon appetit!
Homemade cream for eclairs with boiled condensed milk
Let's prepare aromatic and incredibly tasty eclairs filled with cream based on boiled condensed milk, supplemented with coconut flakes. Using the simplest and most accessible ingredients, we will “create” a delicacy whose recipe you will be begging to share!
Cooking time – 55 min.
Cooking time - 20 minutes.
Portions – 6.
- Flour – 200 gr.
- Milk – 200 ml.
- Water – 100 ml.
- Eggs – 3 pcs.
- Salt – 1 pinch.
- Powdered sugar – 10 gr.
- Butter – 10 gr.
- Boiled condensed milk – 100 gr.
- Coconut shavings – 1-2 pinches.
- Baking powder – 1 pinch.
Cooking process:
Step 1. For speed of action and our own convenience, prepare the products according to the list and place them on the work surface.
Step 2. Pour milk and water into the pan - bring to a boil and add powdered sugar and salt.
Step 3. Add flour and intensively mix the custard base, removing the heat-resistant dish from the heat.
Step 4. Let the mixture cool slightly and add the chicken eggs and baking powder one at a time, each time thoroughly stirring the mixture at minimum speed of the mixer.
Step 5. Line a baking sheet with parchment, randomly arrange small pieces of butter and pipe the cakes through a pastry bag - bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
Step 6. Cool the eclairs slightly and fill them with boiled condensed milk through a syringe.
Step 7. To decorate, sprinkle the baked goods with coconut flakes and make tea.
Bon appetit!
Chocolate ganache for eclairs
Ganache is an incredibly delicate cream, which is necessarily prepared from high-quality chocolate and heavy cream. You can use the finished product in different ways, for example, you can decorate cakes and pastries with it, and you can also fill homemade fluffy eclairs - it all depends on your imagination!
Cooking time - 10 min.
Cooking time - 5 minutes.
Portions – 4.
- Dark chocolate 55% - 150 gr.
- Cream (fat content not less than 33%) – 150 ml.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Using a kitchen gram scale, measure out the required amount of ingredients.
Step 2. Heat the cream thoroughly over a fire or in a microwave, without bringing it to a boil, and pour the hot solution over the chocolate (preliminarily break the bar chaotically).
Step 3. Wait a few minutes and thoroughly mix the two components until smooth.
Step 4. Transfer the ganache into a pastry bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least three hours, or better yet, overnight.
Step 5. The next morning, take the cream out of the cold and start creating.
Bon appetit!
Cream filling for eclairs
Having tried many different creams, you will probably still settle on “ice cream”, because the combination of ingredients and their texture is something incredible, especially in combination with choux pastry, which is used to make French eclairs.
Cooking time – 120 min.
Cooking time - 20 minutes.
Portions – 8-10.
- Milk – 480 ml.
- Granulated sugar – 130 gr.
- Granulated vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
- Egg yolks – 4 pcs.
- Corn starch – 75 gr.
- Cream 33-35% – 250 ml.
- Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp.
- Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Pour almost half a liter of milk into a thick-walled saucepan.
Step 2. Add ½ part of sugar to it.
Step 3. And add vanillin for flavor.
Step 4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, put on the fire and bring the mixture almost to a boil.
Step 5. In a separate deep bowl, combine the remaining granulated sugar and starch.
Step 6. Add the yolks to the bulk ingredients and stir until smooth.
Step 7As soon as the first bubbles begin to appear in the pan with milk, pour the mixture into the egg-starch mixture, stirring constantly.
Step 8. Having achieved homogeneity, return to the heat and simmer until thickened, stirring continuously.
Step 9. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass plate and cover with cling film in contact.
Step 10. And leave at room temperature for about one hour, and then move it to the refrigerator.
Step 11. At this time, combine the chilled cream with powder.
Step 12. And citrus juice.
Step 13. Beat the three ingredients until stable, perfectly smooth peaks form.
Step 14. In portions, add the fluffy creamy mass into the custard base and stir in with a silicone spatula.
Step 15. Having combined all the components, the cream is completely ready for use.
Bon appetit!