125 (minutes)6 (servings)07.1k.
Shulyum is an incredibly popular dish among the countries of the Caucasus, it can be found on the menu of any cafe or restaurant, and besides, housewives always prepare this dish
45 minutes)7 (servings)04k.
Green pea soup is a very tasty and filling dish that makes the perfect lunch. It is prepared quickly and easily, so any housewife can do it.
100 (minutes)3 (liters)111.8k.
Kapustnyak is a traditional first dish of the Slavic peoples, which is an analogue of the classic Russian cabbage soup. The dish is prepared from available vegetables based on
50 (minutes)5 (servings)16.7k.
Soup with sprat in tomato sauce is a very tasty and budget-friendly dish. It is prepared from a small and simple set of ingredients, from which
90 (minutes)6 (servings)015.3k.
Beef soups always turn out aromatic, rich and satisfying. They are especially suitable in the cold season. They can be cooked with dumplings
165 (minutes)3.5 (liters)012.5k.
Kharcho is a classic of Georgian cuisine, which has gained its popularity in our latitudes quite a long time ago. Rich meat or chicken broth, chopped
115 (minutes)3 (liters)09.1k.
Classic rassolnik with rice and pickles is an original Russian dish that has not lost its popularity even after several centuries, as
40 minutes)5 (servings)07.5k.
A truly autumn first course is definitely a rich soup made with mushrooms. You can prepare such a dish using store-bought champignons.
150 (minutes)6 (servings)213.6k.
Beef is a healthy and incredibly filling product. It makes the most rich and nutritious broths. Therefore, we suggest preparing soups with
60 (minutes)6 (servings)014.7k.
Soup with the addition of processed cheeses is always a tender and very tasty first course, but it is especially tasty from fresh champignons.
120 (minutes)6 (servings)04.7k.
Pearl barley has a large number of useful and nutritional elements. That’s why soups with barley are so satisfying and rich in taste.
45 minutes)3 (servings)013.9k.
Champignon puree soup is a tasty but very simple dish. Moreover, champignons can be purchased in the store throughout the year. Cream soup can be prepared
35 (minutes)4 (servings)013k.
Puree soups are very popular due to their nutritional properties, bright appearance and delicate taste. A popular version of this hot dish is made from mushrooms.
40 minutes)4 (servings)05.6k.
Homemade cauliflower soup is not only a tender and tasty dish, but also very healthy.Low-calorie treat makes a great addition
15 minutes)4 (servings)02.7k.
Milk noodle soup is a quick and easy to prepare first course. A nutritious treat suitable for both adults and children.
60 (minutes)6 (servings)04k.
A soup that takes us back to childhood. Preparing milk soup is very simple, there are a lot of recipes, so you can choose the best one for yourself.
120 (minutes)4 (servings)01 to.
When you try real Hungarian goulash, you will hardly be able to answer for sure whether it was the first or second course. The meat is served with plenty of
50 (minutes)6 (servings)012.1k.
Red lentils are an excellent product with a high content of protein, vitamins and microelements. That is why you can make very tasty food from it.
80 (minutes)4 (servings)010.2k.
The national Korean soup kuksi is loved in many parts of the world. This popularity is due to its rich taste, aroma and nutritional value.
155 (minutes)4 (servings)04k.
Pea soup in a slow cooker is an affordable and satisfying first course option. Although peas cook faster in a slow cooker, pre-soaking them is necessary.
20 minutes)5 (servings)05.2k.
A bright hot dish for your lunch is cheese soup with mushrooms. The treat will delight you with its delicate taste, aroma and nutritional qualities. Making champignon soup
60 (minutes)4 (servings)05.6k.
Potato soup is a light but satisfying dish.You can cook it with different types of broth, but it always turns out tasty and nutritious. How to cook this
160 (minutes)8 (servings)010.6k.
Soup made with aromatic lamb broth is a traditional dish that is widespread in the East. And this is no accident, because it’s ready
80 (minutes)6 (servings)017k.
This is a very tasty, healthy and warming dish that can be prepared in completely different ways. For example, with chicken, meatballs, tomato paste
30 minutes)6 (servings)06.6k.
Homemade soups are always delicious and incredibly satisfying. In addition, the dish can also be healthy. Prepare a delicious turkey soup that will...
55 (minutes)6 (servings)018.1k.
Everyone has known since early childhood this rich soup that my grandmother cooked: golden broth, fluffy dumplings and small cubes of potatoes and carrots.
0 min.05.7k.
The puree soup has a pleasant, uniform consistency, which is why adults and children love it so much. Vegetable puree soup can be prepared from any set of products, to
30 minutes)4 (servings)011.8k.
Vegetable soup can be made from seasonal or frozen ingredients. This is a great dish for lovers of light and healthy food. We have collected 10 delicious recipes for this soup.
50 (minutes)5 (servings)0826
Dumpling soup is a wonderful and warming dish that is especially good during the cold season. Chicken, vegetables and spices make it flavorful
70 (minutes)4 (servings)08.4k.
Hearty, healthy and nutritious soup. Buckwheat soup is often found on the menu of many families. It can be called an everyday dish; some people cook it in
80 (minutes)4 (servings)014k.
Chicken broth is known for its valuable nutritional properties. In addition, it is very tasty and aromatic. This is the first remedy for ailments and recovery
90 (minutes)6 (servings)05k.
Onion soup is a French dish that consists of a broth with onions, cheese and crispy croutons. It is prepared using special technology.
80 (minutes)2.5 (liters)424.1k.
Solyanka with cabbage and mushrooms is a delicious winter snack. It can be prepared in all sorts of ways: mushrooms can be wild mushrooms - porcini, boletus
35 (minutes)4 (servings)010.4k.
Many people prepare broccoli as a side dish by boiling the florets or frying them in batter. You can also make a delicious and tender puree soup from this cabbage.
40 minutes)6 (servings)07.4k.
Pumpkin is a healthy seasonal fruit that includes many groups of vitamins. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from it.
70 (minutes)1.5 (liters)018.2k.
Solyanka in jars for the winter is a tasty and juicy preparation made from cabbage, mushrooms and other vegetables. This appetizer can be served separately.
155 (minutes)5 (servings)022.8k.
Winter borscht dressing is a mixture of ingredients that can be prepared in advance and saved for use in borscht throughout the winter season.
45 minutes)6 (servings)010.1k.
Porcini mushrooms add incredible aroma and taste to any dish. They are delicious marinated, but they make especially good soups. We offer you 8 cooking options
60 (minutes)6 (servings)114.2k.
Green lentils are a very healthy product that allows you to quickly fill up and delivers a lot of useful substances to the body. You can cook lentil soup
80 (minutes)4 (servings)15.2k.
How many types of lentils, so many different puree soups can be prepared and each of them will not be similar to each other. Today we will open all the necessary
85 (minutes)6 (servings)03.9k.
Tomato soup is one of the favorite and most popular dishes in the cuisines of different countries of the world, and each has its own special recipe for tomato soup. Here are the most popular and...
40 minutes)5 (servings)023.8k.
Lentils are a healthy and tasty legume, rich in protein and popular all over the world. One of the most delicious dishes you can make from it.
60 (minutes)6 (servings)05.9k.
You can taste traditional Italian soup without leaving our country, especially during the season of fresh vegetables. This dish is perfect for lunch
40 minutes)6 (servings)08.1k.
Okroshka is a popular homemade dish for hot weather. The treat is usually prepared with seasonal vegetables, aromatic herbs, sausage and meat.
630 (minutes)5 (servings)07k.
Pho Bo soup is one of the most popular dishes in Vietnamese cuisine. The dish is prepared on the basis of beef or fish broth, and before serving it is added
40 minutes)4 (servings)217.1k.
Pink salmon is an incredibly healthy fish that does not lose its properties when preserved or cooked. Having a jar of canned fish can
35 (minutes)4 (servings)014.5k.
Soups based on canned fish gained popularity during the USSR, since most products were unavailable to people. Light, satisfying and healthy
70 (minutes)4 (servings)04k.
A simple option for preparing homemade pearl barley porridge is using water. The product will be tasty, nutritious and healthy. Serve it along with other hot dishes
75 (minutes)8 (servings)01.2k.
With the onset of warm May days, a huge amount of young greenery appears in the forests, among which, of course, nettles. Fresh nettle is wonderful
75 (minutes)1 (servings)02.9k.
We invite you to try very tasty rich cabbage soup made from fresh nettles, which you can enjoy in spring and summer. Young nettles are not as stinging
35 (minutes)5 (servings)08.5k.
The benefits of fish soup are undeniable. The broth is rich in vitamins B, C, E, H and PP, and also contains iron, zinc and iodine. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically include it in your diet.
35 (minutes)6 (servings)012.6k.
Bean soup is a popular first course that is quite simple to prepare and can easily feed the whole family.The soup can be prepared either on the basis
60 (minutes)6 (servings)012.2k.
Canned bean soup will help diversify your usual lunch menu. Preparing the dish will not take much time, and the rich taste will pleasantly surprise you.
25 (minutes)6 (servings)032.1k.
Canned fish soup will help you out when you are short of time, and it is tasty and nutritious. It is very easy to prepare; for your convenience, we have compiled
50 (minutes)4 (servings)01.6k.
In the summer, you don’t really want to eat heavy hot food, which is why cold soups are so popular. So that in hot weather you have the opportunity to cook
40 minutes)4 (servings)08.3k.
Zucchini puree soup is a delicious first course that is distinguished by its nutritious and healthy properties. Cream soup is prepared from different products, the choice is yours.
40 minutes)4 (servings)08k.
Cold soups go great during the hot season. For example, the famous okroshka. It contains many vegetables. This dish invigorates and quenches thirst.
75 (minutes)5 (servings)021.8k.
Soup for lunch is a universal dish that people start recommending to us from childhood. With its beneficial properties, it instantly captivated all those who follow
40 minutes)5 (servings)03.4k.
Soup is the best thing ever invented for lunch. A healthy, satisfying meal will provide you with energy for the rest of the day: and that's what we haven't mentioned yet.
60 (minutes)8 (servings)01.2k.
Kholodnik is a wonderful dish that is especially refreshing during the hot season. We offer you a classic cooking option, using water or kefir.
40 minutes)8 (servings)03.7k.
Light and nutritious soups with meatballs originated in Italy and have long gained popularity in many cuisines around the world. Original and easy to implement
30 minutes)6 (servings)111.7k.
Classic okroshka with sausage is a dish with history that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers loved to cook. The soup is easy to prepare
75 (minutes)6 (servings)04.2k.
Cold borscht can be prepared for lunch as a nutritious and refreshing dish. There are many ideas for its execution. We recommend trying simple
50 (minutes)5 (servings)230.8k.
Salmon is a valuable and healthy fish. You can make a lot of different dishes from it, including soups. Salmon soup is one of the healthiest soups. She...
90 (minutes)7 (servings)227.6k.
Ukha is a Russian national fish soup that can be prepared at home. There is an opinion that fish soup is not the most popular soup.
60 (minutes)4 (servings)09k.
Pike perch soup has a special delicate taste and is especially useful. This dish is quite easy to prepare, which is why it is one of the most popular
70 (minutes)7 (servings)05k.
Perch soup is a dish that has a very rich taste and incredible aroma. The soup turns out rich and not at all greasy.
40 minutes)7 (servings)013.8k.
Trout soup is perfect for people who watch their diet, and it will be especially useful for people with vision problems and gastrointestinal diseases.
60 (minutes)12 (servings)030.8k.
National Russian fish soup is prepared in many families. This popular dish is ideal for picnics and hikes, so it is best to cook it over a fire in a cauldron.
30 minutes)2 (servings)04.2k.
Classic sorrel soup with eggs is a wonderful vitamin-rich dish, which is prepared in the summer season, adding as much fresh herbs as possible, and in the winter
30 minutes)10 (servings)029.4k.
Okroshka is the most popular cold soup that can be prepared at home. In the summer, in the heat, when you don’t want to eat heavy food, okroshka
90 (minutes)8 (servings)015k.
Red fish soup is a very tasty, aromatic and rich soup that can be prepared at home. This first course is rich in protein.
60 (minutes)8 (servings)032.9k.
Pike fish soup is a wonderful, aromatic and very tasty dish. Despite the small amount of ingredients, it always makes me happy. We offer you a classic
80 (minutes)4 (servings)017.2k.
Sorrel cabbage soup is a soup that is similar to green borscht, but in a lighter version. Cabbage soup can be eaten both hot and cold, with sour cream and bread....
105 (minutes)3 (servings)06.6k.
Green borscht with sorrel and egg is a soup that bears little resemblance to classic borscht, if only because beets are added to it in very rare cases.
60 (minutes)4 (servings)016.3k.
Fish soup with millet is a very tasty first dish that can be prepared at home. Over the years, the fish soup recipe was improved and ultimately
40 minutes)4 (servings)022.4k.
Classic sorrel soup with eggs is a dish that is prepared in kitchens around the world. The soup is so popular due to its fresh
30 minutes)4 (servings)08.5k.
Rich taste, bright color, variety of vegetables - this is what makes trout soup not just a fish soup, but an exquisite fish soup that you can safely
40 minutes)4 (servings)014.6k.
You want hot soups not only in the cold season, but also in the summer. Especially with such a variety of fresh seafood. If you are puzzled by the choice of easy
150 (minutes)6 (servings)0802
Shchi with chicken broth is a very tasty, light, but at the same time satisfying soup. The main component of cabbage soup is fresh cabbage. This is a very necessary product
50 (minutes)10 (servings)014.5k.
Soup with dumplings is a very filling and tasty dish. Dumplings are prepared very simply from a small amount of ingredients. We offer you recipes for this soup
100 (minutes)6 (servings)028.9k.
Finnish fish soup with cream is one of the most tender and delicious first courses. Its key ingredient is red fish meat of different varieties.
80 (minutes)8 (servings)06.3k.
Borscht with chicken is a delicious and dietary version of the famous soup. Since ancient times, borscht has been one of the most favorite first dishes.
120 (minutes)3 (servings)039.9k.
Pork kharcho is a classic soup that is perfect for a family dinner. It is very appetizing, filling and aromatic. Required ingredients
90 (minutes)5 (servings)013.8k.
Hot beet soup is a classic beet soup with meat. Beetroot soup, depending on the method of preparation, can be served not only as
50 (minutes)6 (servings)01.1k.
Solyanka with sausages is a thick soup with a spicy aroma and sour taste. Solyanka is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which was popular even
50 (minutes)4 (servings)012.4k.
Chicken kharcho is a soup that is famous for its unique taste and spicy aroma. At first glance it may seem to you that kharcho soup is nothing
80 (minutes)6 (servings)010.6k.
Lamb kharcho is a soup that is famous for its nutritional value, unique taste and spicy aroma. Most often the national Georgian dish
60 (minutes)6 (servings)02k.
Creamy champignon soup is a very tasty, tender and satisfying first course. Cream is a wonderful product that will add softness to any dish.
60 (minutes)4 (servings)03.7k.
Fish solyanka is an interesting and very tasty version of the classic solyanka. The soup is quite simple to prepare, so everyone can please
120 (minutes)5 (servings)03.2k.
We will not delve into the history of the origin of Old Russian cabbage soup, but will immediately answer that the main ingredients are sour or white cabbage.
180 (minutes)6 (servings)03.1k.
Solyanka with sausage, lemon and olives is a combined meat soup with a salty and sour taste. It has a constant base, but by adding different
150 (minutes)4 (servings)07k.
Borscht with meat is a traditional Slavic dish. Classic soup is prepared with meat or vegetable broth with the addition of the required ingredients - beets
80 (minutes)5 (servings)07.8k.
Borscht with beans is a very tasty and original version of the popular soup. Many housewives love to cook borscht, always trying to add something special to it.
150 (minutes)8 (servings)021.6k.
Sauerkraut cabbage soup is a dish that many people like. Thanks to sauerkraut, the soup acquires an unusual sour taste. We offer 10 cooking options
90 (minutes)8 (servings)04.2k.
Borscht with sauerkraut is the best solution for your family dinner. Prepare a nutritious meal with beets and sauerkraut. There are several options
180 (minutes)6 (servings)09.6k.
Despite the fact that Ukrainian borscht is the hallmark of local Ukrainian cuisine, housewives from all neighboring countries dream of learning how to cook it.
960 (minutes)10 (servings)016.4k.
Khash is an ancient Caucasian dish. Oddly enough, they traditionally eat soup early in the morning to gain strength and energy for the whole day. We have selected 8 recipes
30 minutes)6 (servings)154.2k.
Classic kharcho soup is a very nutritious thick soup with a bright rich taste and aroma. Prepare it for a big family dinner. Best culinary
60 (minutes)6 (servings)021.1k.
Cheese soup with chicken is a tender and very tasty solution for your homemade lunch. The finished dish comes out very light and flavorful. To prepare it
60 (minutes)8 (servings)012.4k.
Pea soup with smoked meats is a nutritious and very interesting idea for your home table. To prepare, take note of our bright ideas and delight
60 (minutes)8 (servings)03.6k.
Pea soup with chicken is a hearty, flavorful and incredibly tasty dish for a homemade lunch. The treat will delight you with its richness and nutritional properties.
40 minutes)8 (servings)013.2k.
Fresh cabbage soup with chicken is a delicious homemade soup that is ideal for a hearty lunch with the family. Dish with fresh cabbage added
75 (minutes)8 (servings)013.3k.
Classic pork lagman is an incredibly satisfying and bright-tasting dish for your family lunch or dinner. Prepare such a colorful oriental
90 (minutes)8 (servings)08.9k.
Classic beef lagman is an incredibly satisfying and bright-tasting dish for the whole family. Juicy meat combined with rich broth, vegetables and
120 (minutes)12 (servings)013.3k.
Classic pork shurpa is an appetizing and satisfying dish that will perfectly diversify your lunch menu. Prepare a treat according to a traditional recipe
40 minutes)4 (servings)023.8k.
Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms is an excellent first course option, tender and tasty, which will be enjoyed at any time of the year and in any weather.
150 (minutes)4 (servings)021.5k.
Classic kharcho soup with beef is a real pearl of Georgian national cuisine. You can fall in love with it “from the first spoon”; it is aromatic and moderately spicy.
95 (minutes)6 (servings)02.8k.
Classic solyanka with sausage, potatoes, cucumbers and olives is a meat soup that has a salty, sour and spicy taste.
150 (minutes)4 (servings)031.8k.
Classic rassolnik with pearl barley and pickles is a soup that is nutritious, satisfying, relatively cheap and light
30 minutes)4 (servings)023k.
Mushroom champignon soup is a very tasty, tender and appetizing first course. There are many ways to prepare this popular soup.
80 (minutes)6 (servings)139k.
Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms is a very tasty and nutritious first course. According to experienced cooks, dried mushrooms are best suited for
40 minutes)6 (servings)235.4k.
Cheese soup with melted cheese is a very tasty and tender first course. If you like to cook simple, but at the same time delicious
90 (minutes)6 (servings)538.9k.
Meatball soup is the most delicious and favorite first course for many people. There are many recipes for this popular soup, and we will share with you 10
40 minutes)6 (servings)230.6k.
Pea soup is a traditional first course in the cuisines of many countries. It is loved for its pleasant sweet taste, high vegetable protein content and low calorie content.
150 (minutes)10 (servings)324.4k.
Classic borscht is a standard dish of Slavic cuisine. Red, rich and thick soup, enough to hold a spoon in it. Each housewife has her own recipe and secrets


