Wheat porridge

Wheat porridge

Most people do not see the difference between millet porridge and wheat porridge, however, these are completely different cereals that differ not only in the preparation process, but also in taste, aroma and nutrients. Now we will talk specifically about wheat cereals and how to get crumbly porridge as a result, or vice versa.

Crumbly wheat porridge on water in a pan on the stove

Cooking perfect, smooth porridge is not so easy, but there are many methods and recipes that will help you cope with this task. Wheat is a healthy grain that is perfect for nutritious breakfasts in the form of aromatic porridge.

Wheat porridge

+4 (servings)
  • Wheat groats 1 (glasses)
  • Water 450 (milliliters)
  • Salt ¼ (teaspoons)
  • Butter 40 (grams)
30 min.
  1. How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in a pan on the stove? We thoroughly rinse the cereal under running water several times and transfer it to a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, add salt and set to cook. It is important that the volume of wheat and water does not exceed half the volume of the container.
    How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in a pan on the stove? We thoroughly rinse the cereal under running water several times and transfer it to a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, add salt and set to cook.It is important that the volume of wheat and water does not exceed half the volume of the container.
  2. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, close the lid and seal the edges tightly with a kitchen towel, preventing steam from escaping.
    As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, close the lid and seal the edges tightly with a kitchen towel, preventing steam from escaping.
  3. Press the towel firmly on top with any plate or bowl of suitable diameter.
    Press the towel firmly on top with any plate or bowl of suitable diameter.
  4. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then remove from the stove and, without opening the lid, let it brew for another 10-15 minutes.
    Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then remove from the stove and, without opening the lid, let it brew for another 10-15 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, pour melted butter over the wheat porridge and place it into portioned saucers. Bon appetit!
    After the time has passed, pour melted butter over the wheat porridge and place it into portioned saucers. Bon appetit!

Wheat porridge with milk in a saucepan

Making a classic variation of wheat porridge is very simple. Preparing this dish does not take much time, and as a result we get a taste that is familiar to everyone from childhood. In addition, such cereals give you a feeling of fullness for many hours.

Cooking time – 45 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 3.


  • Wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Milk – 3 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. In a saucepan of a suitable size, combine water, milk, salt, granulated sugar, place on the stove and bring to a boil.

2. While the liquid is warming up, thoroughly rinse the wheat several times under running water.

3. Place the washed cereal into the pan.

4. Cook the porridge over medium heat for about 10 minutes.

5. After the time has passed, reduce the flame to a minimum and simmer for another 5 minutes.

6. After that, remove from the stove, add butter and leave for 10 minutes under a closed lid.

7. Place the hot wheat porridge on plates and serve. Bon appetit!

How to cook wheat porridge in water in a slow cooker?

It is very simple to prepare crumbly wheat porridge; for this we need a multicooker and the simplest and most affordable ingredients: cereal, water and a little butter. Thanks to cooking not in a saucepan, but in a slow cooker, the porridge does not burn and turns out very aromatic and nutritious.

Cooking time – 50 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 8.


  • Wheat cereal – 400 gr.
  • Water – 800 ml.
  • Butter – 40 gr.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking process:

1. Using a kitchen gram scale, measure out exactly 400 grams of wheat cereal.

2. Wash the cereal thoroughly 3-4 times under running water - this will allow us to get rid of excess starch and debris.

3. After, measure out the required amount of water. Exact proportions are very important for preparing crumbly porridge.

4. In the multicooker bowl, combine the cereal, water, salt and ½ part of the butter, i.e. 20 grams.

5. Turn on the “Porridge” mode and set the timer to 40 minutes. After turning off the multicooker, add the remaining oil, mix and place into bowls.

6. Bon appetit!

Delicious wheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Porridge cooked with milk is always distinguished by its delicate and even creamy taste, unlike porridges cooked with water. And cooking in a slow cooker is a real pleasure for housewives, because you only need to combine the necessary products in a bowl.

Cooking time – 40 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 3.


  • Wheat cereal – 150 gr.
  • Milk – 550 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.
  • Butter – 15 gr.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the products: weigh the cereal and measure out the required amount of milk.

2.We thoroughly rinse the cereal 3-4 times under running water, trying to get rid of all specks.

3. Place the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl.

4. Add salt, granulated sugar and milk there. Using a silicone spatula, mix all the ingredients and turn on the “Milk porridge” mode for 20 minutes. After the end of the program, you need to run “Heating” for another 10 minutes so that the cereal “reaches”.

5. Place the hot food into portioned saucers, top with butter and enjoy. Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making wheat porridge with raisins

Cooking any porridge in a slow cooker is a real pleasure, and wheat porridge is no exception. In just 40 minutes you can prepare a hearty, nutritious and healthy meal for the whole family.

Cooking time – 50 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 2.


  • Milk – 540 ml.
  • Wheat cereal – 180 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp.
  • Dried apricots – 3-5 pcs.
  • Raisins – 10-15 pcs.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the dried fruits thoroughly, dry them to remove excess moisture and chop them.

2. In a multicooker bowl, combine cereal, raisins with dried apricots, granulated sugar, salt and 3 multi-cups of milk.

3. Turn on the “Porridge” program, close the lid and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. Add a small piece of butter to the finished dish and mix.

5. Place the wheat porridge on portioned plates.

6. If desired, garnish with dried apple or pear slices before serving. Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious recipe for wheat porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin is a universal product from which a great variety of dishes are prepared: soups, salads, desserts and all kinds of cereals.Wheat porridge is no exception and goes perfectly with this bright and aromatic vegetable.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 4.


  • Wheat cereal – 200 gr.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Milk – 250 ml.
  • Pumpkin – 200 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 40 gr.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the orange vegetable from its thick peel and cut into small cubes, about a centimeter by centimeter.

2. Place the pumpkin pieces in a saucepan, add water and boil over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes until soft.

3. Rinse the cereal 3-4 times under running water.

4. Add the washed wheat to the pumpkin - mix and simmer for another 10-15 minutes until the cereal swells.

5. After the time has passed, pour milk into the pan and continue cooking for 5 minutes. At the same stage, add salt and granulated sugar.

6. A hearty and tasty breakfast is ready to be served, optionally decorated with fresh or frozen berries and nuts. Bon appetit!

Hearty and tasty wheat porridge with meat

A wonderful hearty dish that combines both meat components and a side dish is wheat porridge with chicken. In less than an hour, you can easily prepare dinner or lunch for the whole family using affordable and simple ingredients.

Cooking time – 45 min.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 4.


  • Wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken breast – 500 gr.
  • Water – 600 ml.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3-4 teeth.
  • Vegetable oil – 70 ml.
  • Abkhazian seasoning – ½ tsp.
  • Spices - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the meat.Rinse the chicken under running water, remove white films and skin, and cut into arbitrary small pieces.

2. In a frying pan with high sides, heat the oil and fry until golden brown.

3. Peel two medium-sized carrots and grate them on a coarse grater - add them to the chicken, add salt and mix.

4. Add washed and high-quality cereal to the vegetables and meat.

. Fill the entire contents of the frying pan with water so that the liquid covers the food by about 1.5 centimeters from above. Add your favorite spices, salt and ground black pepper. Close the lid and simmer over low heat for 30-35 minutes.

6. A few minutes before readiness, generously sprinkle the ingredients with Abkhazian seasoning.

7. Serve hot with the addition of a salad of fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

Wheat porridge baked in a pot in the oven

When you need something quick, tasty and satisfying, simmer wheat porridge with vegetables in pots. This dish is perfect for serving on a holiday table, as well as for a family dinner. All products used in the recipe are budget-friendly and are sold in every store.

Cooking time – 40 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 4.


  • Wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Carrots – 120 gr.
  • Onions – 80 gr.
  • Green beans – 200 gr.
  • Coconut oil – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Greens - to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Peel the carrots and also cut into cubes. Fry onions, carrots and green beans in a small amount of oil until soft.

2. Transfer the roast into a clay pot, filling approximately 1/3 of the total volume.

3.We thoroughly rinse the cereal several times under running water, ridding it of excess starch and small debris - pour it on top of the vegetables and fill it with purified water so that the liquid covers the components by 1-1.5 centimeters.

4. Add salt and ground pepper to the bowl to your taste and cover with a lid. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, and then reduce to 150 degrees and simmer for another 8-10 minutes.

5. After the time has passed, take it out and let it brew for another 10-15 minutes with the lid closed. Before serving, decorate with chopped herbs and enjoy. Bon appetit!

Delicious wheat porridge with stew

Everyone knows the popular navy-style pasta recipe, which is based on beef stew, so why not try cooking this meat with the addition of wheat porridge? Cereals have a much higher glycemic index, thanks to which the dish satisfies for many hours.

Cooking time – 40 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 4.


  • Stew - 1 jar.
  • Wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Butter – 40 gr.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Dill – 1/3 bunch.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Place the meat in a dry frying pan and put it on the fire.

2. When the fat begins to melt, add chopped onion.

3. Next, add carrots, grated on a coarse grater, and simmer until the vegetables are soft, about 5-7 minutes.

4. After the time has passed, add thoroughly washed wheat cereal, salt and pepper to your taste.

5. Fill the entire contents of the frying pan with water so that the liquid covers the food by one and a half centimeters.

6. Simmer over low heat under a closed lid for about 25-30 minutes until the water has completely evaporated.

7.After half an hour, put a piece of butter in the bowl and stir.

8. Divide the finished porridge with stew into portioned plates, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve. Bon appetit!

Wheat porridge with chicken

Processed wheat into cereal is a healthy, tasty and aromatic side dish that will appeal to many. And if you also cook this porridge with chicken, you will get a complete and satisfying dinner that you can feed the whole family without spending a lot of time.

Cooking time – 45 min.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 4.


  • Wheat cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 tbsp.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Chicken fillet – 500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml.
  • Greens - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the vegetables: cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Rinse the fillet under running water, clean it of white films and inclusions of fat, dry it with paper towels and cut into medium pieces.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan, fry chopped onions until transparent, then add carrots and salt to your taste - fry until golden brown.

4. Transfer the aromatic roast into the pan in which the porridge will be cooked.

5. In a separate frying pan, in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the chicken for about 5 minutes on maximum flame.

6. Add fried fillet, washed cereal and finely chopped greens to the vegetables in the pan.

7. Fill the entire contents of the pan with two glasses of purified water, close the lid and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

8. After removing from the stove, leave for a couple of minutes under the lid.

9.Place the prepared hot porridge with chicken fillet on plates and serve in combination with a fresh salad. Bon appetit!

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