Chocolate frosting for cake

Chocolate frosting for cake

Chocolate icing for a cake is an easy-to-make and very tasty treat. With the help of such a product, your homemade dessert will become even more vibrant and attractive. To prepare chocolate icing, take note of the step-by-step recipes with a detailed description of the process.

Homemade chocolate icing for cocoa cake

For an easy and delicious addition to your homemade cake, you can make chocolate frosting using cocoa powder. This delicacy will make your dessert even more delicious and vibrant.

Chocolate frosting for cake

+0.25 (kilograms)
  • Cocoa powder 60 (grams)
  • Butter 1 (tablespoons)
  • Sour cream 100 (grams)
  • Granulated sugar 2 (tablespoons)
  • Water 50 (milliliters)
20 minutes.
  1. How to make chocolate frosting for a cake? Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water. We move the dishes onto the stove and heat the contents. Stir constantly.
    How to make chocolate frosting for a cake? Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water. We move the dishes onto the stove and heat the contents. Stir constantly.
  2. Add sour cream to sugar. Continue stirring and keeping on moderate heat.
    Add sour cream to sugar. Continue stirring and keeping on moderate heat.
  3. Add cocoa to the hot mixture. Beat with a whisk.
    Add cocoa to the hot mixture. Beat with a whisk.
  4. Cook the delicacy until a smooth and homogeneous composition is obtained. Then remove the pan from the stove and add oil.
    Cook the delicacy until a smooth and homogeneous composition is obtained. Then remove the pan from the stove and add oil.
  5. Pour the chocolate mixture into a small deep plate, and then use it for confectionery purposes.
    Pour the chocolate mixture into a small deep plate, and then use it for confectionery purposes.

How to make chocolate icing from cocoa and milk?

Chocolate glaze prepared with milk comes out more tender and liquid. A simple and tasty delicacy will make your homemade cake brighter and more original. Check out this interesting and quick recipe!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 500 gr.


  • Cocoa powder – 100 gr.
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 120 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

1. Measure out the required number of products according to the list.

2. Place cocoa and two types of sugar in a small saucepan or saucepan.

3. Pour half the milk into the dry mass and gently whisk the mixture to break up large lumps.

4. Place the dishes and contents on the fire. Heat and pour in the remaining milk.

5. Keep the dishes on the stove until you get a homogeneous delicacy.

6. Remove the mass from the heat, and then add butter to it. Stir the thick mixture thoroughly.

7. Pour the warm chocolate icing into a smaller bowl, and then use it for its intended purpose. Ready!

Well-hardened chocolate icing for cake decoration

Chocolate icing will serve as a beautiful and tasty decoration for a homemade cake. Prepare a well-freezing thick treat using a simple and quick recipe. Even beginners can handle it!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 250 gr.


  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp.
  • Butter – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 60 ml.
  • Sugar – 120 gr.

Cooking process:

1.Pour cocoa powder into a deep plate. Break up any lumps if there are any.

2. Add sugar to cocoa. Mix dry ingredients.

3. Place the mixed ingredients in a small saucepan, add 60 milligrams of water and immerse it in a pan of boiling water.

4. Prepare the glaze in a water bath. Stir the contents constantly until a smooth thickened mass is obtained.

5. Next, add butter to the mixture and continue stirring until smooth. Remove from the stove.

6. Hot chocolate glaze can be immediately placed on the cake. After cooling completely, the delicacy will solidify and become hard. Ready!

A delicious recipe for chocolate frosting for a cake with smudges

Decorating a cake with chocolate glaze with drips looks impressive and bright. Prepare a delicious and original delicacy for your homemade dessert. Surprise your family!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 250 gr.


  • Cocoa powder – 3 tbsp.
  • Water – 70 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Gelatin – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

1. Pour sugar with cold water in a saucepan. Place on the fire and cook, stirring, until syrup forms.

2. Separately sift the cocoa powder through a fine sieve.

3. Immerse cocoa in hot syrup and stir the contents thoroughly.

4. Put the saucepan on the fire again. Continue stirring and cooking until you get a liquid cream.

5. Dilute gelatin in water, as written on the package. Then immerse the product in the chocolate mass and beat for 1-2 minutes.

6. Thick chocolate glaze is ready. We decorate the cake with it, making delicious drips. Ready!

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate frosting for a cream cake

Chocolate glaze, prepared with heavy cream, comes out tender in taste and airy. Thick and smooth, this treat is the perfect topping for your homemade cake. Check out this simple recipe!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 180 gr.


  • Bitter chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Cream 33% - 80 gr.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare all the ingredients. We choose thick and fatty cream. Dark chocolate can be in callets or bars. If we use tiles, they must be broken into small pieces.

2. Place all products in a saucepan and place on moderate heat.

3. Heat the contents until the chocolate begins to melt.

4. Cook the chocolate dish and stir it constantly. Remove from heat until the product becomes smooth and thick.

5. Delicate chocolate glaze is ready. Use treats to decorate your homemade cake.

Chocolate mirror glaze for covering the cake

Mirror chocolate glaze turns homemade cakes into real culinary masterpieces. The tasty coating gives a special taste to the dish and makes it appetizing and attractive. Try it!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 300 gr.


  • Bitter chocolate – 120 gr.
  • Cream 33% - 100 gr.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces with your hands.

3. Heat the heavy cream in a saucepan and add chocolate and powdered sugar to it. Cook, stirring constantly, until smooth and thick.

4. Add butter to the hot mixture. Stir until smooth, then remove the dish from the heat.

5. Pour the chocolate mirror glaze into a suitable plate.Pour the treat over the cake while it is still hot. Ready!

A simple recipe for chocolate glaze made from sour cream and cocoa for a cake

Chocolate icing is convenient to use for decorating homemade desserts. In addition, the product will add a bright taste to your dishes. Check out this quick recipe with sour cream.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 350 gr.


  • Cocoa powder – 100 gr.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 100 gr.
  • Sugar – 120 gr.

Cooking process:

1. Pour the required amount of sugar into a deep metal bowl.

2. Next, add cocoa powder to the sugar.

3. Pour sour cream into the dry mixture. For glaze, it is best to use a product with a high fat content.

4. Place the dishes on low heat. You can also use a water bath. Heat the contents and mix it thoroughly.

5. When the mass becomes smooth and homogeneous, add butter to it. Continue stirring until the product dissolves.

6. Pour the hot chocolate glaze into a deep plate. Done, you can use it to decorate homemade desserts!

Homemade white chocolate frosting for cake

Delicious white frosting is the perfect decoration for your homemade cake. The delicacy comes out tender, smooth and thick. It will give your dessert a pleasant sweet taste. Check out this simple recipe!

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings – 300 gr.


  • White chocolate – 100 gr.
  • Condensed milk – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 70 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Gelatin – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare all the ingredients according to the list. Break the white chocolate or buy it in small pieces straight away. Dissolve gelatin in water and leave for a while.

2.Combine pieces of white chocolate with condensed milk and mix the products thoroughly.

3. Place sugar and water in a saucepan. Heat the contents and keep on the stove until syrup forms.

4. Pour hot syrup into white chocolate with condensed milk. Add prepared gelatin here. Beat the mixture until smooth and thick.

5. Smooth white icing is ready. You can decorate the cake with treats.

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