Rabbit in the oven is a wonderful dish for both a holiday table and a regular weekend lunch. Many people strive to diversify their diet and therefore look closely at rabbit meat with interest. It’s not difficult to prepare: a juicy and soft rabbit in the oven is what you need. With this method of cooking, meat retains the greatest amount of nutrients and provides a unique aroma and taste of the dish.
- Juicy rabbit cooked in a sleeve in the oven
- How to bake rabbit meat in foil?
- Soft rabbit stewed in sour cream in the oven
- How to deliciously cook rabbit with potatoes in the oven?
- Juicy, soft rabbit in mayonnaise with garlic
- A simple and delicious recipe for rabbit baked with vegetables
- Stewed rabbit in the oven in a glass jar
- How to deliciously bake rabbit legs in the oven?
- Delicious rabbit baked whole in the oven
- A simple recipe for cooking rabbit in pots in the oven
Juicy rabbit cooked in a sleeve in the oven
Here is a recipe for a festive and delicious rabbit dish. Rabbit meat baked in a sleeve is particularly soft and tender. Before cooking, the rabbit must be thoroughly soaked and marinated to remove the specific smell and make the meat more tender. We will marinate in white wine and bake in sour cream with apples and tangerines.
- Rabbit 1.5 (kilograms)
- White semi-dry wine 1 cup
- Garlic 5 cloves
- Sour cream 3 (tablespoons)
- Apples 1 (things)
- Mandarin 1 (things)
- Cinnamon taste
- Ground red pepper taste
- Ground black pepper taste
- Dried basil taste
- Bay leaf 4 (things)
- Salt taste
How to cook a juicy and soft rabbit in the oven? Cut the carcass into medium pieces and place them in a separate container.
Set aside the entrails and rib pieces to make soup or broth. We won't bake them.
Prepare all the spices for the marinade in the quantities specified in the recipe. Mix dry spices. Add a spoonful of olive oil to the marinade. It will soften the meat better.
Peel the garlic cloves, chop them in a garlic grinder and add to the meat.
Sprinkle the meat with prepared spices, add bay leaves, salt to your taste and pour dry wine and oil into it. Then mix the meat well with the marinade.
Place the container with meat to marinate for 3 hours in a cool place, maybe on the balcony.
Prepare a sleeve, fruit and the required amount of sour cream for baking the rabbit.
After the marinating period has expired, place the pieces of rabbit meat into a sleeve, securing one end with a clip.
Mix half of the remaining marinade with sour cream.
Peel the tangerine, cut into pieces and place in a sleeve.
Also peel, cut and add the apple to the meat.
Pour sour cream and marinade into the sleeve, secure the second clip tightly and carefully mix the contents of the sleeve to evenly distribute the meat and sauce. Place the sleeve on a baking sheet and bake the meat in the oven at 180° C for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Then remove the baking sheet from the oven, cut the sleeve on top and continue baking for another 10–15 minutes until a golden crust appears on top.
Your wonderful baked rabbit is ready.
Serve with your favorite side dish and fresh vegetable salad.
Bon appetit!
How to bake rabbit meat in foil?
You are provided with a recipe for baking rabbit meat in foil. Rabbit meat is very tender, and the foil will prevent it from drying out in the oven, and it will bake evenly, will not burn and will be juicy. The meat is cooked in its own juices and without frying. Let's marinate the rabbit in a delicious marinade with spices and onions.
- Rabbit – 1 kg.
- Onion – 1 pc.
- Garlic – 2 cloves.
- Water – 1 l.
- Black and allspice peppers – 1–4 peas each.
- Balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.
- Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.
- Salt and spices (mint, rosemary, Provençal herbs, bay leaf) to taste.
Cooking process:
1. First, prepare the marinade to remove the specific taste of rabbit meat, make the meat juicy and reveal its taste.
2. Place peppercorns and 1-2 bay leaves in a separate bowl and pour a glass of boiling water over them.
3. Peel the onion and garlic cloves.
4. Chop the onion into thin half rings, chop the garlic in a garlic press and place in a bowl with the marinade.
5. Pour all the spices into the marinade (you can change their set as you wish) and add another half liter of cold water.
6. Add balsamic vinegar or 1 tbsp to the marinade. l. lemon juice.
7. Cut the rabbit carcass into pieces of arbitrary shape and place them in the marinade, and then mix well.
8. Cover the dish with meat with a piece of cling film and leave for 1-2 hours to marinate at normal home temperature.
9.After this time, drain the marinade. Remove the bay leaf and leave the onion.
10. Salt the meat to your taste, pour in sunflower oil and stir.
11. Cover the baking dish with a large piece of foil, maybe double, so that the juice does not leak out.
12. Place the marinated pieces of meat with onions into the mold and wrap the edges of the foil tightly.
13. Bake the rabbit in the oven at 180°C for 1 hour.
14. Towards the end of cooking, open the foil on top and continue baking for another 15 minutes so that the meat is covered with a golden brown crust.
15. Serve the baked rabbit hot.
Eat for your health!
Soft rabbit stewed in sour cream in the oven
In this recipe you are invited to bake a rabbit in sour cream sauce. You will get a tender and dietary dish for dinner, and even for the holiday table, if you bake the whole carcass. We cook with curry powder, but you can choose the spices to suit your taste. Before baking, fry the rabbit pieces a little in oil.
- Rabbit – ½ carcass (0.6 kg).
- Sour cream – 1 tbsp.
- Onions and carrots - 1 pc.
- Dried garlic and curry powder, 1 tsp each.
- Salt and spices to taste.
- Vegetable oil for frying.
Cooking process:
1. Cut the rabbit meat into portions and place in a bowl.
2. Sprinkle them with salt, selected spices, curry powder and stir.
3. Fry the pieces of meat in oil until golden brown on all sides.
4. Then put them in a baking dish (duckpot, cauldron, metal pan).
5. Peel the onions and carrots, wash them and chop them into arbitrary pieces.
6. Fry the chopped vegetables a little in oil and place on the meat.
7. Sprinkle the dish with pepper and dried garlic.
8.Pour a little (100 ml) of clean water or broth into the mold and pour sour cream on top.
9. Cover the pan with a lid or piece of foil.
10. Bake the rabbit in the oven at 180°C for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
11. The dish is ready. Serve hot.
Bon appetit!
How to deliciously cook rabbit with potatoes in the oven?
Rabbit with potatoes in the oven is a very tasty dish in which the meat will be rosy and soft, and the potatoes will be very aromatic. Do not fry meat and vegetables before baking. The recipe is simple and quick.
- Rabbit – ½ carcass.
- Potatoes – 8 pcs.
- Carrots – 1 pc.
- Sour cream – ½ tbsp.
- Garlic – 4 cloves.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Seasoning for meat – 1.5 tsp.
- Water – 1 tbsp.
Cooking process:
1. Wash the rabbit meat well with cold water, dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it into medium pieces.
2. In a cup, mix salt, black pepper and meat seasoning and rub the rabbit pieces well with the resulting mixture.
3. Leave the meat for 1 hour to soak in the aromas of spices.
4. Peel the carrots and chop them into small cubes.
5. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into large pieces of arbitrary shape.
6. Pour a small amount of oil into the baking dish and place the chopped vegetables in it. Sprinkle them with salt.
7. Place the prepared rabbit pieces tightly onto the vegetables.
8. Put sour cream in a bowl, sprinkle in a little salt, pour a glass of water, add chopped garlic and stir.
9. Pour the prepared sour cream sauce over the meat and potatoes until the sauce completely covers everything.
10. Cover the container with a piece of foil and place in the oven preheated to 180° C for 40 minutes.Then remove the foil and continue baking the rabbit for another 50 minutes until the meat is well browned. Pieces of meat can be turned over.
11. Serve the prepared dish hot.
Bon appetit!
Juicy, soft rabbit in mayonnaise with garlic
In this recipe you are invited to cook the rabbit in the oven with mayonnaise and garlic. We will bake the whole carcass. According to this recipe, the rabbit will be soft, juicy and aromatic.
- Rabbit – 1 carcass.
- Garlic – 7 cloves.
- Mayonnaise – 150 g.
- Salt and spices to taste.
Cooking process:
1. Rinse the rabbit carcass, previously defrosted, well with running water and dry with a kitchen towel.
2. In a separate cup, mix various spices. This can be seasoning for meat, coriander, black pepper, paprika and others to your taste.
3. Sprinkle the rabbit with salt to your taste and rub well with a mixture of spices.
4. Peel the garlic and cut it into longitudinal pieces.
5. Using a sharp knife, make shallow cuts on the rabbit carcass and place pieces of garlic in them.
6. Then spread the carcass well with mayonnaise and leave to marinate for 1 hour.
7. After this time, place the prepared rabbit on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and place in the oven preheated to 200° C for 1 hour.8. During this time, the rabbit will be well baked and covered with a golden, delicious crust.
9. You can place vegetables, potatoes or mushrooms on the baking sheet at the same time.
The dish is ready. Bon appetit!
A simple and delicious recipe for rabbit baked with vegetables
To prepare a delicious rabbit meat dish, you are invited to bake it in the oven along with vegetables. Any vegetables can be used.According to this recipe we will cook rabbit with carrots, sweet peppers, zucchini and celery. You will get an excellent dietary dish for both adults and children.
- Rabbit – 2 kg.
- Carrots and sweet peppers – 2 pcs.
- Young zucchini – 1 pc.
- Celery – 1 stalk.
- Garlic – 6 cloves.
- Sour cream – 1 tbsp.
- Salt and spices to taste.
Cooking process:
1. Cut the rabbit carcass into medium pieces and place the meat in a deep bowl.
2. Fill it with water and vinegar for 2–3 hours at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per liter of water. This is necessary to remove the specific smell of rabbit meat and make the meat more tender.
3. After this time, rinse the rabbit pieces with cold water and dry with a kitchen towel.
4. Then salt the meat a little and sprinkle with black pepper and place in any baking dish.
5. Peel, rinse and chop the vegetables for this dish into small pieces and place in a bowl. Set aside some vegetables to sprinkle on top of the dish.
6. Add finely chopped parsley and a glass of sour cream to them. Don't skimp on sour cream, take sour cream with a high fat content to make it tastier.
7. Mix vegetables with sour cream well.
8. Pour the resulting mixture over the rabbit meat. Sprinkle the remaining chopped vegetables on top.
9. Bake the rabbit with vegetables at 180°C for 1.5 hours.
10. Serve the rabbit hot; no side dish is needed.
Bon appetit!
Stewed rabbit in the oven in a glass jar
Stewing a rabbit in the oven in a glass jar allows you to prepare rabbit meat for future use, because it is not always possible to buy fresh rabbit meat. Properly prepared stew will retain all its beneficial properties and taste just as good as freshly cooked meat.It is better to cook in a half liter glass jar.
Cooking time: 16 hours
Cooking time: 4 hours
Servings – 3.5 l.
- Rabbit – 4 pcs.
- Salt – 1 tbsp. in every jar
- Bay leaf – 1 pc. in every jar
- Black peppercorns – 6 pcs. in every jar
For the broth:
- Onions – 1 pc.
- Carrots – 1 pc.
- Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
- Black peppercorns - to taste
- Salt - to taste
Cooking process:
Step 1. First, prepare the necessary ingredients.
Step 2. Next, take the rabbit carcasses and cut out all the insides (they can be used to prepare other delicious recipes).
Step 3. Now cut the carcasses into pieces (preferably large ones). I separate the front and hind legs from the carcass, as well as the backbone and rib part, which will be most convenient for further cooking. There is no need to cut into smaller pieces, because... then you will have to cut the meat itself off the bones.
Step 4. Of course, you need to thoroughly rinse the rabbit parts.
Step 5. Next, fill the rabbit pieces with water for 12 hours, leaving overnight. In the morning we change the water and let it sit in it for about 30 minutes so that as little blood as possible remains in the meat.
Step 6. Now we move on to the most difficult process - cutting the meat from the bones. So, when cutting it, be sure to separately collect the internal fat, which will be useful later. We don’t throw away the bones either, but put them separately in a convenient container.
Step 7. Separate the meat from bones and fat into medium pieces of the same size.
Step 8. First wash the jars with lids and then sterilize them. I usually use liter jars.
Step 9. Place 3 black peppercorns, a bay leaf and 0.5 teaspoon of salt on the bottom of each jar.
Step 10Place the meat in prepared jars until the jar narrows (5-7 centimeters to its top), put a layer of rabbit fat on top and finally sprinkle with 3 black peppercorns, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and add a bay leaf. It is important that each jar contains pieces from each part of the rabbit, it will be tastier.
Step 11. Place the jars on a baking sheet with a wet cloth. Cover them with lids, but do not screw them in. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour. Then cook at 150 degrees for 3 hours. During the process, add water to the baking sheet to prevent the jars from bursting.
Step 12. At this time, prepare the broth, which then needs to be poured into the stew. We use bones left over from cutting up a rabbit. Boil them for 2.5 hours with onions, carrots and spices. Periodically remove the foam. I add onions and carrots after boiling. However, it does not need to be turned off when ready.
Step 13. Take the jars out of the oven one at a time and pour in the broth boiling on the stove until swirled. Cover with lids and place under a blanket to cool slowly. Ready! Should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.
Eat for your health!
How to deliciously bake rabbit legs in the oven?
We present to your attention a recipe for baking rabbit legs in the oven as the most delicious part of the carcass. The meat will be tender, flavorful and easily separates from the bone. We will cook it in sour cream and with a classic set of spices, garlic, pepper and onion. To suit your taste, you can add cinnamon, coriander and basil to the legs.
- Rabbit legs – 1 kg (4 pcs.)
- Onions and carrots - 1 pc.
- Garlic – 4 cloves.
- Full-fat sour cream – 1 tbsp.
- Salt and spices to taste.
Cooking process:
1.Soak the rabbit legs in cold water for 3 hours and change it every hour to remove the specific smell of the meat and make it tender and juicy.
2. Then rinse the legs under running water, remove excess liquid with a towel and rub them well with salt, black pepper and chopped garlic.
3. Place the meat in a separate bowl and leave to marinate for 1 hour.
4. During this time, peel the onion and carrots. Then chop the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
5. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan and fry the marinated legs in it until a golden crust forms.
6. Place the fried legs in a baking dish.
7. In the same oil, fry the chopped onions and carrots. Salt them to your taste and place on top of the meat.
8. Pour sour cream over the meat fried in carrots and onions.
9. Add clean water to the meat, filling the mold to no more than a third of its volume.
10. Bake the meat in the oven at 180°C for 40 minutes.
Bon appetit!
Delicious rabbit baked whole in the oven
Here is a recipe for baking a whole rabbit in the oven. You can prepare this delicious dish for your holiday table. The recipe is simple.
- Rabbit – 1 carcass.
- Lemon – ½ pc.
- Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. l.
- Mustard seeds and salt 1 tbsp. l.
- Garlic – 4 cloves.
Cooking process:
1. Pre-soak the rabbit carcass for 2-3 hours in water with the addition of vinegar (2 tablespoons per liter of water).
2. Then rinse it well and remove excess liquid with a towel.
3. Peel the garlic and chop it using a garlic grinder.
4. In a separate bowl, mix the required amount of mayonnaise with mustard seeds.
5. Add salt, juice of half a lemon and chopped garlic to this mixture.
6.Lubricate the rabbit carcass with the resulting mixture on all sides and leave it for 1 hour to marinate.
7. Then place the carcass on a baking sheet and cover with a piece of foil.
8. Bake the rabbit at 190°C for 1.5 hours.
9. Serve this meat with your favorite side dish.
Bon appetit!
A simple recipe for cooking rabbit in pots in the oven
Rabbit baked in a pot is a very tasty and satisfying dish. It's easy to prepare. You need to put the prepared products in pots and place them in the oven. Be sure to stew this meat with the addition of a small amount of vegetables.
- Rabbit – ½ carcass (600 g).
- Onions and tomatoes – 4 pcs.
- Carrots – 2 pcs.
- Garlic – 4 cloves.
- Bay leaf and black peppercorns – 4 pcs.
- Salt and ground pepper to taste.
Cooking process:
1. Rinse the rabbit meat with cold water and cut into medium pieces.
2. Then place the meat in a separate bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper to your taste and stir.
3. Peel the carrots, onions and garlic.
4. Chop the onion into thin half rings, chop the carrots into strips and crush with a knife.
5. Cut fresh tomatoes into slices. If you have cherry tomatoes, cut them in half.
6. Place half of the chopped onions and carrots in the pots.
7. Then place pieces of rabbit meat on the vegetables.
8. Place a bay leaf, a clove of crushed garlic and peppercorns on the meat.
9. Then place the remaining carrots and onions in the pots.
10. Place the chopped tomatoes on top and sprinkle them with a little salt.
11. Cover the pots with lids and place them in the oven for 45 minutes, preheated to 180°C.
12. The prepared dish is ready to serve.
Bon appetit!