Apricot jam with pits for the winter

Apricot jam with pits for the winter

Apricot jam with pits is a very tasty and simple preparation for the winter. Summer pleases us with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. We try to eat as many of them as possible to recharge ourselves with health and vitamins for the whole year. The sweetness of fruits gives a good mood. And to preserve it throughout the year, you can make apricot jam, which will remind you of summer in the cold winter.

Royal apricot jam with pits for the winter

Apricots in sweet amber jam, like little suns in a jar, will remind you of warm and bright summer time. It is called royal because it is prepared with seeds, which give it an almond flavor. This jam was served in palaces, and you can safely treat your guests to it.

Apricot jam with pits for the winter

+2 (servings)
  • Apricot 1 (kilograms)
  • Granulated sugar ½ (kilograms)
  • Water 1 (glasses)
100 min.
  1. How to make apricot jam with pits for the winter? Wash and dry the apricots well. It is better to take fruits that are harder and not overripe. Otherwise, when pressed, they will fall apart and turn into mush.
    How to make apricot jam with pits for the winter? Wash and dry the apricots well. It is better to take fruits that are harder and not overripe. Otherwise, when pressed, they will fall apart and turn into mush.
  2. Start removing the seeds from the fruit. You won't need everything, you need a maximum of 100 grams. To do this carefully and not break the apricot, use a pencil or wooden chopstick. Using the blunt side, slowly press on the place where the stalk is located and squeeze out the seed. Its sharp tip will easily cut the opposite side of the fruit and it will be easy to get out. Dry the seeds, as cleaning wet ones is very problematic. The brown crust gives that same almond note, but also produces a slight bitterness. If you like it, keep it. If not, remove the skin by cracking the dry pit with a hammer, garlic press, or nut crusher.
    Start removing the seeds from the fruit. You won't need everything, you need a maximum of 100 grams. To do this carefully and not break the apricot, use a pencil or wooden chopstick. Using the blunt side, slowly press on the place where the stalk is located and squeeze out the seed. Its sharp tip will easily cut the opposite side of the fruit and it will be easy to get out. Dry the seeds, as cleaning wet ones is very problematic. The brown crust gives that same almond note, but also produces a slight bitterness. If you like it, keep it. If not, remove the skin by cracking the dry pit with a hammer, garlic press, or nut crusher.
  3. Insert some of the pits back into the apricots through the holes. Pour sugar into a large bowl and pour a glass of water over it. You don’t need to take a lot of liquid so that you don’t end up with a compote. As for the amount of sugar, the classic recipe says a 1:1 ratio, but it turns out very sweet. If you don't like it, add 500 grams or more to suit your taste. Boil the resulting syrup and remove from heat.Transfer the fruit to a bowl with hot liquid. Leave to steep for 10 hours so that the fruit releases its juice and absorbs the sugar.
    Insert some of the pits back into the apricots through the holes. Pour sugar into a large bowl and pour a glass of water over it. You don’t need to take a lot of liquid so that you don’t end up with a compote. As for the amount of sugar, the classic recipe says a 1:1 ratio, but it turns out very sweet. If you don't like it, add 500 grams or more to suit your taste. Boil the resulting syrup and remove from heat. Transfer the fruit to a bowl with hot liquid. Leave to steep for 10 hours so that the fruit releases its juice and absorbs the sugar.
  4. After this time, remove the apricots from the container using a spoon or slotted spoon. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil again and carefully remove the resulting foam with a spoon. Do not stir the jam! Return the apricots to the bowl, turn off the heat and leave to soak for another 6 hours. After this, boil the jam for 20 minutes.
    After this time, remove the apricots from the container using a spoon or slotted spoon. Bring the resulting syrup to a boil again and carefully remove the resulting foam with a spoon. Do not stir the jam! Return the apricots to the bowl, turn off the heat and leave to soak for another 6 hours. After this, boil the jam for 20 minutes.
  5. At this time, sterilize half-liter jars. This can be done in the oven or by lowering the jars into boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Pour the prepared hot jam into jars and roll up. Cover the pieces with a thick cloth and let cool. Store in a cool, dark place.
    At this time, sterilize half-liter jars. This can be done in the oven or by lowering the jars into boiling water for 4-5 minutes.Pour the prepared hot jam into jars and roll up. Cover the pieces with a thick cloth and let cool. Store in a cool, dark place.

Bon appetit!

How to make apricot jam with pits and orange?

Summer is associated with juicy and ripe fruits. Save yourself a piece of warmth and summer by preparing amazing apricot jam. And to make the taste even more interesting, add the juiciness of another bright fruit - orange. The seeds will add a slight nutty note, and you will get a great dessert.

Cooking time – 16 hours

Cooking time – 1 hour

Servings – 5


  • Apricots – 2.5 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg.
  • Orange – 3 pcs.

Cooking process:

1. Wash apricots and oranges thoroughly. Apricots will go into jam with their skins, so wash them well. You can make jam from whole fruits, but this is not always convenient to eat. Therefore, randomly cut the apricots, removing the pits. Place them in a large bowl or deep basin. Cover with cling film and set aside.

2. Peel the oranges, it will give unnecessary bitterness. Also randomly cut the citrus into pieces. If you find any seeds, throw them away. Place the orange in a bowl with the chopped apricot.

3. Using a hammer, crack the seeds and remove the kernels. Be careful not to break the inside, the kernel must be intact. Remove the transparent film.

4. Boil sugar syrup in a large saucepan. You don't need to add a lot of water, a couple of tablespoons is enough. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place chopped fruit into syrup. Cook for 7 minutes without stirring. If foam appears, carefully remove it with a spoon.

5. Remove the jam from the heat.Place the prepared kernels on top. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to steep at least overnight.

6. In the morning, pour the prepared jam into sterilized jars and seal. Store the rolls in a cool basement or refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious recipe for apricot jam with pits and lemon

Citrus fruits in apricot jam perfectly complement the main fruit. In addition to its amazing taste, lemon boasts other qualities that it imparts to jam. Firstly, citrus is full of vitamins, and even when preserved it does not lose them. Lemon makes the jam beautiful to look at and taste amazing.

Cooking time – 7 hours

Cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes

Servings – 4


  • Apricot – 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.8-1 kg.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the apricots thoroughly to prevent dirt and dust from getting into the jam. Cut them in half or into quarters. Remove the seeds and send them to dry. It is when they are dry that they will be easiest to clean. Separate the kernels from the brown layer if you don't like bitterness in your sweets. But at the same time, the note of almond will go away.

2. Wash the lemon thoroughly. To be sure to remove the wax that covers citrus fruits, pour hot water over them, then immediately transfer them to cold water. Wipe the fruit with a sponge. Cut the lemon into arbitrary pieces along with the peel. Throw away any seeds you find. Place the citrus in a blender bowl and grind until mushy.

3. Place the prepared apricots, peeled kernels and chopped lemon into a deep saucepan. Cover the fruit with sugar. Leave for 2 hours so that the fruit releases its juice and absorbs the sugar.Shake the pan occasionally to lightly mix the contents.

4. After this time, put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. Use a spoon to remove the foam. Cook for 10-15 minutes at low boil.

5. Turn off the heat and leave the fruit mixture to brew for 2-3 hours. Then boil the jam again and leave to infuse. Repeat the action two more times.

6. After boiling the mixture for the last time, leave it to simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars. You can prepare the jars in the oven. To do this, heat it to 120 degrees and place the jars there for 10 minutes. Boil the lids. Do not neglect these steps, they will help keep the jam fresh for a longer period.

7. Close the jam jars with lids and place them upside down. Cover the preserves with a towel or thick cloth and wait until it cools. After this, keep the jam in a cool, dark place. Do not store it for more than a year.

Bon appetit!

Five-minute jam from apricots with pits

This version of jam does not require long preparation, so preserving summer vitamins for the whole year is easier than ever. Minimal heat treatment allows you to preserve maximum natural taste and maximum benefits. Delight your household with a stunning dessert reminiscent of summer days.

Cooking time – 15 minutes

Cooking time – 45 minutes

Servings – 3


  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 500 gr.
  • Water – 2 l.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the apricots thoroughly so that no dirt or sand gets into the jam. Especially if you bought them. Choose ripe but firm fruits.These will not lose their shape, and the jam will be beautiful. Pat the apricots dry with a paper towel. There is no need to cut the fruits or take out the seeds; they will be cooked whole.

2. Using a toothpick or fork, make several holes on the entire surface of the fruit. They will also help maintain their round shape, and in addition, through them the fruits will be saturated with sugar faster and more and will release juice.

3. Pour water into a deep saucepan and add sugar. Send to medium heat. Heat the liquid, stirring occasionally, until all the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil.

4. Place the prepared fruits into the syrup. Increase heat and bring to a boil again. After this, cook the apricots in the syrup over low heat for 5 minutes. Carefully remove any foam that appears on the surface with a spoon.

5. Wash and sterilize the jars, boil the lids. Pour the hot jam into prepared vessels and preserve. Place the jars in a cool place and turn the lids down. Wait until it cools completely and the delicacy is ready. Enjoy the jam immediately or leave it for the winter by moving the jars to the refrigerator, cellar or balcony.

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making apricot jam with pits in a slow cooker

The multicooker has become an indispensable assistant and a real salvation for the housewife. You can cook not only soups and main courses in it, but also jam. Especially on a hot summer day, when long cooking on the stove heats up the already hot air. A slow cooker will save time, and the jam will turn out just as good.

 Cooking time – 1 hour

Cooking time – 1 hour 20 minutes

Servings – 3


  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.
  • Water – ½ tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the apricots by placing them in cool water for 5-10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the fruit is clean, as it will be in the jam along with the skin. Cut the fruits into halves and remove the seeds. If you don’t like the slight bitterness in the jam, remove the brown layer and film from the kernels. This is easiest to do with dry seeds, so dry them completely. This way the inner nucleolus will move away from the outer skin and will not break.

2. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Mix the prepared fruits and seeds there. Fill the contents of the bowl with granulated sugar. Get juice from half a lemon. If you don't have a citrus juicer, you can easily do this with a fork. Place half a lemon on the cutlery and twist. Throw away any bones you find. Pour lemon juice over sugar. It will prevent the jam from becoming sugary and will give it a beautiful color and consistency. In addition, lemon will prevent mold from forming.

3. Select the “Stew” mode on the multicooker and set the timer for 30 minutes. After half an hour, open the lid and continue cooking this way. If the multicooker is closed, the resulting foam will rise during cooking and go over the edges.

4. Cook for another 30 minutes in the same mode, watching how the sugar melts and the apricots release juice. Stir the jam every 10 minutes. The resulting sweetness will have a beautiful amber color.

5. Prepare containers for preservation. Rinse and sterilize the jars by placing them, neck down, in a pan of boiling water for a few minutes. Treat the lids in the same way. Pour the warm jam into half-liter containers and close. Let cool completely in a dark place.Apricot jam with pits is ready! Serve it immediately with pancakes or white bread, or preserve it for the winter. In the latter case, store jars of jam in a cool place.

Bon appetit!

Thick apricot jam with kernels from the pits

This jam recipe is quite troublesome and you will have to tinker with the preparation. So get the whole family to help and turn making this amazing apricot dessert into a family pastime and even a tradition. Everyone will be delighted not only with the process, but also with the result.

Cooking time – 12 hours 20 minutes

Cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes

Servings – 5


  • Apricots – 3 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.7-2 kg.
  • Cinnamon – 5 sticks
  • Water – 3-4 tbsp.

Cooking process:

1. Start by preparing the fruit. Wash the fruits thoroughly, especially if you bought them. You can soak them in cool water for about 10 minutes. Dry with a towel. Use harder fruits to avoid accidentally crushing them during cooking. Carefully squeeze out the seeds so as not to damage the shape of the fruit. For convenience, use a round stick, such as the tip of a wooden spoon or Asian cutlery.

2. Rinse and dry the seeds. Get rid of the brown layer and remove the film from the nucleoli. The white nut should remain intact, so it is better to disassemble the dried seeds. The dark peel is easier to remove from them, and the inside does not break.

3. To ensure that the apricot in the jam retains its beautiful round shape, pierce it with a toothpick at least 3 times. The punctures should be in different places, do them randomly. Insert the peeled kernels back into the apricots.

4. Pour sugar into a deep saucepan.Vary the amount depending on how sweet you like your jam. Add a couple of tablespoons of water. Boil the syrup, completely dissolving the sugar. If you want the jam to be more homogeneous and not sugary, add a little lemon juice.

5. Carefully, so that the kernels do not fall out, transfer the apricots to the pan. Later, when the fruit is cooked a little, the holes will tighten and the seeds will not go anywhere. Turn the heat to low and cook the fruits for 7-8 minutes. If foam appears, carefully remove it with a spoon. But under no circumstances stir the future jam.

6. Turn off the heat and dip the cinnamon sticks into the syrup. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the jam to steep for 12 hours. After this time, the jam is ready and no longer needs to be cooked. Pour the treat into sterilized half-liter jars so that each contains a cinnamon stick. Close with lids. The jam is ready to eat. To enjoy it before winter, store the rolls in a cool, dark place.

Bon appetit!

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