Wild strawberry jam is a simple, very tasty and bright preparation for the winter. Compared to garden strawberries, forest strawberries are much more aromatic and healthy, as they accumulate a huge amount of vitamins. And despite the fact that it is a little more difficult to find, the jam turns out much richer and tastier.
Thick wild strawberry jam with whole berries
The recipe will appeal to those who love rich, thick, sickly sweet and aromatic berry jam.
- Strawberry 500 gr. forest
- Granulated sugar 500 (grams)
How to make wild strawberry jam for the winter? Sort the berries and rinse carefully under running water. This must be done before you pick the stems, otherwise the berries will become too saturated with water and may turn into mush.
Place the washed strawberries on a towel and let dry or pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
After tearing off the sepals, transfer the berries to a small metal bowl or pan and cover with an even layer of sugar. You can add the ingredients in layers, so the juice from the berries will be released more actively.Then shake the container slightly so that the sugar spills out between the fruits.
Leave the berries to steep for several hours. Minimum for 2, but ideally for 6 or overnight. During this time, the maximum amount of juice will be released, the sugar will dissolve and the liquid will more closely resemble syrup.
Place the infused berries on low heat and gradually bring to a boil. Stir gently so that nothing burns to the bottom, and try not to damage the berries. For convenience, you can boil the jam in parts in a smaller saucepan and, preferably, with a thick bottom and walls. After boiling, cook the berries for 6 minutes, then remove from heat and leave until completely cool. This takes on average 8 hours.
After the specified time has passed, bring the jam to a boil over low heat again, cook for 5 minutes and pour into pre-pasteurized jars.
Close the lids of the jars tightly. Leave the jars to cool to room temperature, placing them on a towel or blanket, bottom up. The jam can then be stored in a dark and cool place for a long time.
Bon appetit!
How to make wild strawberry jam for five minutes for the winter?
The name of this method of cooking jam comes not from the fact that only five minutes are spent on the entire cooking time, but because this is how long the jam is cooked after boiling, and sometimes in several batches. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that preparing such a delicacy may take a long time.
Cooking time: 1 day
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Servings – 2
- Wild strawberries – 600 gr.
- Sugar – 200 gr.
Cooking process:
1. First of all, start sterilizing the dishes into which the jam will be rolled in the future.There are many ways to do this, for example, in the microwave, oven, slow cooker, or simply using boiling water. Choose the option that is best for you and leave the jars until they cool completely and dry.
2. Carefully sort the collected berries for insects, debris, as well as crushed and rotten fruits. Tear off the stalks with sepals and rinse gently under running water. To ensure the integrity of the berries, you can fill a bowl with water and leave the berries to float in it for several minutes, stirring occasionally with your hand. Then carefully remove the strawberries with a colander and allow the excess water to drain.
3. Measure out the required amount of sugar. You can change its amount in proportion to the number of berries, the main thing is to stick to the 3:1 ratio. Pour berries and sugar into a large metal basin or pan in layers and shake lightly so that the sand spills deeper between the fruits.
4. In a thick-bottomed bowl, heat the berries and sugar over low heat. Stir the contents of the pan constantly to prevent anything from burning. Gradually, juice will begin to release from the strawberries, which must be brought to a boil. After this, cook the berries for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Repeat the procedure two more times.
5. After the last boil, pour the jam into the jars, screw on the lids tightly and place them on a towel, bottom up. Wrap in a blanket and leave to cool to room temperature. Then they can be put away in a dark and cool place and stored for a long time.
Bon appetit!
Thick wild strawberry jam with gelatin
Adding gelatin to jam not only helps to thicken it better and faster during the cooking process, but also makes it quite easy to turn the jam into an excellent berry jelly. To do this, simply transfer the treat from the jar into a bowl and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours.
Cooking time: 1 day
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Servings – 3
- Wild strawberries – 1 kg.
- Sugar – 600 gr.
- Gelatin – 4 tsp.
- Water – 70 ml.
- Mint - optional;
Cooking process:
1. Sort the strawberries for spoiled berries, remove the stalks and sepals and rinse the berries under running water. Place on a towel and let air dry, or pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Place the dried strawberries in a deep bowl.
2. Carefully add sugar to the berries and stir, being careful not to damage the fruit, or simply shake the bowl of strawberries so that the sugar is evenly distributed. Add pre-washed mint leaves if desired.
3. Place the bowl of jam over low heat and simmer, stirring constantly. Gradually, the berries will begin to release juice, which must be brought to a boil. Cook the jam for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and remove the mint leaves. Let cool for half an hour.
4. Pasteurize the jars in any way most convenient for you, for example, using boiling water, oven, microwave or slow cooker.
5. Pour gelatin with water, stir and leave to swell. Meanwhile, put the cooled jam back on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes and remove to cool for 30 minutes.
6. After the third boil, stir the swollen gelatin into the cooled jam.Pour the resulting mixture into jars, close the lids tightly, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. The jam is stored for a long time in a cool and dark place.
Bon appetit!
Delicious wild strawberry jam with stalks
I don’t remove the stems from this jam first of all to save time, because the berries are small and this doesn’t affect the taste in any way. In addition, without the stalk, the fruits retain their integrity much less well during the cooking process.
Cooking time: 1-2 days
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Servings – 3
- Wild strawberries – 1 kg.
- Sugar – 600 gr.
- Citric acid – 1-2 g.
- Water – 2 tbsp.
Cooking process:
1. Sort the berries for large debris and rotten fruit so that they do not spoil the taste of the jam. Fill a large bowl with water and pour the berries into it. Leave them for a few minutes, stirring occasionally with your hand to wash away dirt and debris. Catch the washed berries in a colander, place on a towel and blot the top to remove excess moisture.
2. Pour strawberries and sugar into a deep bowl in layers, periodically gently shaking the contents of the container so that the sugar envelops the fruit.
3. Leave the berries for at least several hours, or even better, overnight, so that enough juice is released and the sugar has time to dissolve in it on its own. If you do not have such an opportunity, then two hours will also be quite enough.
4. Place a thick-bottomed saucepan over low heat and bring the jam to a boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam that forms on the surface. Remove the pan from the heat and let the berries cool and brew for 8-12 hours.Then heat again over low heat, bring to a boil and pour in the citric acid diluted in water.
5. Stir gently, wait until the foam disappears, remove from heat and pour into pre-sterilized jars. Screw the lids on tightly and place them upside down on something soft, such as a towel or blanket. When the jam has cooled to room temperature, it can be moved to a dark and cool place and stored for a long time.
Bon appetit!
A simple and delicious recipe for making strawberry jam in a slow cooker
A multicooker will greatly simplify the process of making jam and reduce the overall cooking time. It is also great for sterilizing dishes into which treats will be rolled in the future.
Cooking time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings – 4
- Wild strawberries – 1 kg.
- Sugar – 1 kg.
Cooking process:
1. Pre-pasteurize the container for seaming. To do this, fill the multicooker bowl with about 500 milliliters of water and place the lids in it. Place a steaming rack on top and stack the jars on it. Try to leave a small distance between them so that the couple has somewhere to go. On the control panel, set the “Steam” mode for 30 minutes and leave the unit working with the lid open. At the end of the program, carefully place the hot jars on a towel to dry and cool, and also remove the lids from the boiling water and dry them as well.
2. Pre-sort the berries for excess debris, insects and rotten fruit. Gently rinse the strawberries under running water, blot away excess moisture and remove the stems and sepals.
3.Pour the berries into the multicooker bowl and add sugar. If you wish, you can add 1-2 grams of citric acid as a preservative, then the jam will be stored longer and retain its color saturation. Lightly shake the bowl with the contents so that the berries are coated in sugar as much as possible.
4. Place the bowl in the multicooker and turn on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. Once every 15-20 minutes, it is recommended to slightly open the lid of the multicooker and stir the jam so that everything cooks evenly and nothing burns.
5. Pour the finished jam into dry and cooled jars, close the lids tightly, wrap in a blanket or thick towel and leave to cool to room temperature. If the jars are large, it is better to turn them upside down during this time. Cooled jam can be moved to a dark and cool place and stored for a long time.
Bon appetit!