White currant preparations for the winter

White currant preparations for the winter

White currant preparations for the winter include a wide range of preparations, among which you will definitely be able to choose something that is ideal for you. Depending on your taste preferences, you can easily prepare sweet treats such as jam or jam. If you prefer to prepare drinks for the cold season, then the recipe for a simple vitamin compote will come in handy.

White currant jelly for the winter - a simple recipe

White currant jelly for the winter is an easy-to-prepare and very tasty preparation, which will especially appeal to those who love uniform textures, because during the cooking process we will get rid of absolutely all the seeds and get a tender and aromatic jelly.

White currant preparations for the winter

+5 (servings)
  • White currant 1.2 (kilograms)
  • Granulated sugar 1 (kilograms)
45 min.
  1. In order to prepare white currant preparations for the winter, we proceed to the most painstaking step: picking the berries, trying to separate the fruits from the branches without violating the integrity.
    In order to prepare white currant preparations for the winter, we proceed to the most painstaking step: picking the berries, trying to separate the fruits from the branches without violating the integrity.
  2. We sort the currants and wash them thoroughly.
    We sort the currants and wash them thoroughly.
  3. We pass the main component through a juicer, thereby getting rid of the cake. About 500 ml of juice comes out.
    We pass the main component through a juicer, thereby getting rid of the cake.About 500 ml of juice comes out.
  4. Mix juice with granulated sugar.
    Mix juice with granulated sugar.
  5. Shake the mixture with a mixer and leave at room temperature for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
    Shake the mixture with a mixer and leave at room temperature for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
  6. Distribute the mixture into sterile jars and screw tightly. We turn it over and transfer it to a dark and cool place for 30 days, during which time the jelly will harden and be ready for tasting.
    Distribute the mixture into sterile jars and screw tightly. We turn it over and transfer it to a dark and cool place for 30 days, during which time the jelly will harden and be ready for tasting.
  7. Bon appetit!
    Bon appetit!

White currant compote in a 3-liter jar for the winter

White currant compote in a 3-liter jar for the winter is a vitamin treat, when you open it, you will instantly be transported to warm summer days, because the aroma will be incredible! To prepare, we don’t need anything except berries, water and granulated sugar.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 5 minutes.

Portions – 3 l.


  • White currants – 900 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 300 gr.
  • Water – 2.5-2.6 l.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Prepare a food set.

Step 2. Pour selected berries into a bowl, add water and shake with your hands. Thus, the entire quarrel will be on the surface, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Step 3. Pour out the liquid and remove the twigs and leaves.

Step 4. At the same time, wash and sterilize the jars over steam.

Step 5. Pour currants into a glass container.

Step 6. Mix water with granulated sugar and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Step 7. Pour the syrup into the berries right up to the “neck”.

Step 8. Seal with a sterile lid and place it upside down, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for a day.

Step 9. Store in a cellar or basement. Cook and have fun!

White currant jam for the winter

White currant jam for the winter always turns out much sweeter and more aromatic than using the red or black variety.The berries gel perfectly, so we don’t need any chemical additives for cooking, so this treat can easily be offered even to the little ones.

Cooking time – 25 min.

Cooking time – 5-7 min.

Portions – 2-3.


  • White currants – 250 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 150 gr.

Cooking process:

Step 1. First measure the required amount of two ingredients with a kitchen scale.

Step 2. Wash the currants and place them in a colander, separating them from the branches.

Step 3. Pour the berries into a saucepan and chop with an immersion blender, mix with granulated sugar.

Step 4. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes after boiling, removing the foam with a slotted spoon and stirring.

Step 5. Place the treats in pre-sterilized jars, screw them on or roll them with sterile lids.

Step 6. Cooled jam can be stored at room temperature, but out of direct sunlight. Bon appetit!

White currant jam

White currant jam is an original preparation that will help you pleasantly surprise not only your household, but also the most sophisticated guests. But don’t let this surprise you, because during the heat treatment process, the almost transparent berries will turn into caramel-golden berries.

Cooking time – 10 o’clock

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 0.5 l.


  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 350 gr.
  • White currants – 450 gr.
  • Water – 100 ml.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Wash the berries and citrus thoroughly in plenty of cool water.

Step 2. Pour the currants into a pan of a suitable size.

Step 3. Fill the main ingredient with granulated sugar.

Step 4. Add sour lemon juice.

Step 5.Place a heat-resistant bowl over moderate heat, bring to a boil and, after the sugar has melted, stir.

Step 6. Remove the foam, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool the sweet mass and boil for another 5 minutes.

Step 7. Pour the treat into a sterile jar and immediately roll it up. Bon appetit!

White currants, pureed with sugar without cooking

White currants, pureed with sugar without cooking, are an amazing treat that has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a bright, rich aroma. For a more harmonious taste, we recommend preparing the sweet with the addition of red berries; we will store the preparation in the freezer.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Portions – 10.


  • White currants – 1.5 kg.
  • Black currant – 500 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Carefully sort the berries, remove them from the branches and rinse under running water.

Step 2. Repeat the procedure with dark fruits.

Step 3. Pour white currants into a blender bowl, add granulated sugar and blend until smooth.

Step 4. Having interrupted the black berries, we combine the two masses.

Step 5. Mix the composition thoroughly.

Step 6. Distribute the dessert into containers and store it on the freezer shelf. Bon appetit!

White currant sauce for winter meat

White currant sauce for winter meat is an incredibly appetizing addition that is widely used in cooking. For example, in such a product you can easily marinate raw meat or serve a bowl with sauce to a plate consisting of various cheeses.

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 3.


  • White currants – 250 gr.
  • Almonds – 30 gr.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Granulated sugar – 30 gr.
  • Dry white wine – 50 ml.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Place the washed berries in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and water - place on the burner and set for 10 minutes.

Step 2. Grind the composition through a sieve with fine holes.

Step 3. Add wine.

Step 4. At the same time, crush the almonds dried in a dry frying pan into crumbs.

Step 5. Return the mixture to the heat, gradually add the nuts and stir constantly.

Step 6. Blend the ingredients until smooth with an immersion blender.

Step 7. Transfer the sauce into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator or taste it immediately. Bon appetit!

Preparing white currant and orange compote

Making white currant and orange compote is a simple and very tasty way to stock up on vitamins and nutrients for the cold season. The berries themselves do not have a rich aroma, so adding citrus comes in very handy.

Cooking time – 19 hours

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 1.


  • Water – 1 l.
  • White currants – 100 gr.
  • Orange – 70 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 120 gr.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Prepare the required amount of all ingredients, remove the berries from the branches and wash thoroughly.

Step 2. Pour the currants into a pre-sterilized jar.

Step 3. Add orange slices.

Step 4. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, cover with a sterile lid and let warm for 15 minutes.

Step 5. Afterwards, pour granulated sugar into the pan and pour the liquid from the jar.

Step 6. Boil the syrup for about 2-3 minutes and pour in the berries with citrus, screw tightly, turn upside down and cover with a towel until it cools completely.

Step 7After about a day, we remove the workpiece to a storage location. Cook and enjoy not only the result, but also the process!

Five-minute white currant jam

Five-minute white currant jam is an incredibly appetizing delicacy that will easily help you diversify your usual list of winter preparations and will pleasantly surprise your family members. The jam has a bright taste and an incredibly pleasant aroma.

Cooking time – 8 hours

Cooking time – 15-20 min.

Portions – 5-6.


  • White currants – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We sort the berries, rinse thoroughly and place in a colander to drain excess moisture.

Step 2. Mix currants with granulated sugar and leave at room temperature for several hours to release the juice.

Step 3. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes from the moment it boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and let it cool completely. Then, bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes.

Step 4. Pack the dessert into sterile jars and seal. Bon appetit!

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