40 minutes)3 (liters)02.9k.
Compotes for the winter are an alternative to store-bought drinks, healthier and tastier, because they are made natural, without preservatives with dyes and flavor enhancers.
35 (minutes)3 (liters)03.4k.
Dogwood compote for the winter is a very tasty, aromatic and vitamin-rich preparation for the whole family. Your family or guests will definitely enjoy this drink.
120 (minutes)3 (liters)01.1k.
Gooseberry compote in 3-liter jars for the winter is a very tasty, aromatic drink with a pleasant sweetness. It will perfectly replace store-bought drinks.
60 (minutes)3 (liters)02.1k.
Gooseberry compote with oranges is a wonderful drink that is many times better than store-bought soda. Preparing compote takes a minimum of time and effort.
40 minutes)3 (liters)0696
Victoria compote is a wonderful homemade drink that no one with a sweet tooth will refuse. Preparing compotes will not cause any inconvenience even
25 (minutes)3 (liters)0604
Honeysuckle compote for the winter is a rich drink with a unique sweet and sour taste that anyone can prepare at home.
25 (minutes)3 (liters)44.2k.
Chokeberry compote has a pleasant tart taste with slight sourness and a beautiful ruby ​​color.You can roll it up for the winter and drink this magnificent
315 (minutes)3 (liters)03k.
A storehouse of acids and useful microelements is contained in the bright berries of bird cherry - we are preparing a vitamin drink that will delight us throughout the long and cold winter.
20 minutes)3 (liters)03.7k.
To prepare compote from grapes for the winter, you can take any variety, but the drink, as a rule, from local varieties is especially aromatic.
40 minutes)3 (liters)07.5k.
For making compote, you can’t find better apples than ranetkas. Plus, they ripen closer to autumn, which will allow you to take your time. Not only apples of paradise
45 minutes)3 (liters)010k.
Plum compote with pits for the winter is a simple and tasty way to prepare fruit. We can give a lot of reasons for choosing one of these recipes, but one of them.
40 minutes)3 (liters)04.3k.
Grape compote for a 3-liter jar is a simple and tasty way to prepare sweet fruits for the winter. What compotes are not made from?
35 (minutes)3 (liters)02.6k.
The season of fresh berries and fruits ends very quickly, so you need to waste no time and prepare delicious compotes for the winter. We present to your attention
80 (minutes)3 (liters)02k.
Cherry plum compote for the winter is a simple and very tasty preparation. Who among us did not enjoy cherry plum compote as a child? But such a drink is not
40 minutes)3 (liters)01.8k.
An unusual idea for a homemade drink for the winter is a sweet and aromatic melon compote. This preparation is a great way to preserve the taste of a bright product all year round.
30 minutes)3 (liters)03.4k.
A tasty and moderately sweet quince compote can be prepared for the winter. The aromatic drink will be a natural replacement for store-bought products. It's long and easy
40 minutes)3 (liters)03.1k.
A bright idea for making homemade compote - from apples and plums. The products complement each other and give the drink a rich sweet and sour taste.
40 minutes)3 (liters)06.3k.
Isabella grapes are a popular product for home preparation. You can make a bright and rich compote from it. For variety, berries can be supplemented
90 (minutes)3 (liters)21.3k.
Compotes for the winter are usually made from fruits and berries that grow in the garden or garden. We invite you to try an unusual drink made from watermelon, which
30 minutes)3 (liters)21.7k.
Blackberries are not the most popular berry for winter preparations, but they are ideal for making tasty and aromatic drinks. You can add blackberries
20 minutes)3 (liters)02.5k.
Serviceberry fruits boast a special taste and incredibly healthy composition. The berry is often used in therapeutic dietary nutrition. We offer to cook
35 (minutes)3 (liters)02.8k.
Bright and juicy nectarine is suitable not only as a light snack.The product can be used to prepare a fragrant and moderately sweet compote for long-term storage.
35 (minutes)3 (liters)22.1k.
Blueberry compote is a bright and aromatic drink that can be prepared in jars for the winter. The drink is suitable for long-term storage in the cellar
50 (minutes)10 (servings)03.5k.
Cherry compote for a 3-liter jar for the winter is a real godsend for those who have no idea where to put the cherries. After all, to prepare such
35 (minutes)10 (servings)02.1k.
Cherry fruits ripen so quickly that you need to look for a use for them in advance. You can roll up such a delicious compote starting from the first cherry harvest and ending with the last.
120 (minutes)36 (liters)01.3k.
Cherry compote without sterilization for a 3-liter jar is a simple and tasty way to prepare fruits for the winter. This drink is very tasty and is prepared
50 (minutes)12 (servings)03.7k.
Peach compote for the winter is a very tasty and simple homemade preparation. This natural drink can be drunk simply or served on a holiday table.
360 (minutes)3 (liters)0813
Strawberry compote is a tasty, bright and aromatic preparation for the winter. There is nothing better than quenching your thirst in winter with a natural drink rich in vitamins.
20 minutes)3 (liters)0766
Apricot and orange compote is a tasty and healthy drink. Orange gives it a special citrus note and eliminates the cloying effect.
25 (minutes)6 (liters)0852
“Fanta” of apricots and orange for the winter is an unusual and very tasty preparation. Fanta lemonade is loved by both adults and children, but it is considered
90 (minutes)3 (liters)02.6k.
Strawberry compote for the winter is a very tasty and simple preparation. To prepare strawberry compote, you need to add denser berries and leave
50 (minutes)4 (servings)012.1k.
Dried fruit compote – benefits and great taste in one glass. This simple drink can be easily prepared at home and will support the body with vitamins.
15 minutes)12 (servings)012.3k.
Pear compote for the winter is a very tasty and aromatic solution for your homemade preparations. A sweet fruit drink will perfectly complement baked goods and other
10 minutes)12 (servings)07.2k.
Apricot compote for the winter is a bright, aromatic and very tasty idea for your homemade preparations. The ready-made drink will serve as an excellent alternative to store-bought products.
15 minutes)12 (servings)021.8k.
Apple compote for a 3-liter jar is a simple and tasty way to prepare fruit for the winter. A delicious recipe for apple compote for a 3-liter jar. Here is a simple one.
10 minutes)3 (servings)06.2k.
Plum compote is a wonderful and simple preparation for the winter. Since plums begin to ferment quite quickly, it is better not to store them, but to harvest them immediately.
60 (minutes)3 (liters)04.6k.
Gooseberry compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar is a quick, simple and very tasty preparation, which is not difficult to prepare under one condition
30 minutes)3 (liters)08.7k.
Blackcurrant compote for the winter is a simple and very tasty way to prepare berries. Blackcurrant itself has a specific taste.
60 (minutes)3 (liters)011.8k.
Mojito compote from gooseberries with mint and lemon not so long ago was not prepared for the winter, but it became popular thanks to the mojito cocktail, by analogy with which.
55 (minutes)3 (liters)010.1k.
Have you ever tried to make redcurrant compote for the winter? We have made for you a selection of 9 simple recipes with step-by-step photos.


