Salting lard

Salting lard

Salting lard is a simple and proven way to prepare a healthy and tasty product that is necessary for the diet of adults and children. Despite the fact that the product is very fatty, consuming it in small quantities has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. Lard also contains a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial for healthy skin and bones. And if you didn’t like this product before, then after reading our article and trying one of the options that you like better, you will probably change your mind, because there is nothing tastier than thin slices of lard, combined with rich borscht, green onions or black rye bread!

How to pickle lard with garlic at home

How to pickle lard with garlic at home? To prepare a tasty and appetizing snack, you can use either just white lard or a product with layers of meat - it will be delicious either way. Garlic will add piquancy and aroma that no one can resist!

Salting lard

+4 (servings)
  • Pork lard 350 (grams)
  • Salt 1.5 (tablespoons)
  • Garlic 2 (parts)
  • Ground black pepper  taste
1 day
  1. How to pickle lard with garlic at home? We put the products listed above on the table.
    How to pickle lard with garlic at home? We put the products listed above on the table.
  2. Pour ground pepper and salt into a bowl and mix.
    Pour ground pepper and salt into a bowl and mix.
  3. Remove the skins from the garlic and squeeze the cloves into the dry mixture.
    Remove the skins from the garlic and squeeze the cloves into the dry mixture.
  4. Mix the components until smooth.
    Mix the components until smooth.
  5. Using the resulting mixture, actively rub the lard on all sides.
    Using the resulting mixture, actively rub the lard on all sides.
  6. Place the workpiece in a plastic container, cover with a lid and put it on the refrigerator shelf.
    Place the workpiece in a plastic container, cover with a lid and put it on the refrigerator shelf.
  7. After 24-48 hours, cut into plates and take a sample. Bon appetit!
    After 24-48 hours, cut into plates and take a sample. Bon appetit!

How to deliciously pickle lard in brine in a jar

How to deliciously pickle lard in brine in a jar? For this simple process we will need such aromatic additives as coriander seeds, hot garlic, bay leaf and, of course, salt and lard. But you will have to wait at least a week before tasting, but the result is definitely worth it!

Cooking time – 1-2 weeks.

Cooking time - 10 min.

Portions – 15-20.


  • Lard – 1.5 kg.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Coriander seeds – 2 tsp.
  • Garlic – 2 heads

Cooking process:

Step 1. We scrape off the lard with a knife from all sides and cut it into plates of medium thickness.

Step 2. “Free” the garlic cloves from the husks and remove the bay leaf from the package.

Step 3. Add a tablespoon of salt to the bottom of the jar.

Step 4. Fill the container with ½ of the total amount of lard (place the pieces vertically), add half a portion of coriander, garlic and laurel.

Step 5. Now we repeat the second layer of ingredients in exactly the same way.

Step 6. Fill the contents of the jar with warm water and shake, use the tip of a knife to push the slices away from the walls, the liquid should completely cover the components. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Step 7We remove the salted product from the brine and taste it or freeze it. Bon appetit!

Dry salting of lard

Dry pickling of salad is one of the simplest and most successful options for preparing everyone’s favorite dish, which looks great on the table not only during a family meal, but also during a holiday, because most people adore such a homemade delicacy!

Cooking time – 3 days.

Cooking time – 10-15 min.

Portions – 10.


  • Lard – 800 gr.
  • Salt – 5 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 4 teeth.
  • Black peppercorns – 7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Thoroughly rinse the lard under running water, pat dry with paper towels and cut into small segments. Sprinkle with salt and mix well with your hands.

Step 2. Place some of the slices in a jar of a suitable size.

Step 3. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves into slices.

Step 4. Place each layer of lard with garlic slices.

Step 5. Next, add the laurel and peppercorns into the container.

Step 6. Fill the entire container in the same way.

Step 7. Leave the jar on the desktop for 24 hours.

Step 8. After a day, we move the jar into the refrigerator.

Step 9. After two days, we take the pieces out of the jar and eat. Bon appetit!

How to salt lard for hot smoking

How to salt lard for hot smoking? This process is quite important, since the final result directly depends on the salting itself, which is not so difficult to spoil. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, we recommend sticking to the exact grams indicated below.

Cooking time – 4 days 9 hours.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 6.


  • Fat (peritoneum) – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 100 gr.
  • Ground red pepper - to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. The products that we need are the peritoneum, it must be fresh, not defrosted.

Step 2. In a container with high sides, combine red pepper and salt.

Step 3. Take a plastic container of a suitable size and cut the lard into pieces. Pour part of the curing mixture onto the bottom of the dish, rub the peritoneum with the remainder of the dry mixture and place it in a container.

Step 4. Close the container with a lid and place it on the refrigerator shelf, leave for 4 days.

Step 5. After the specified number of days, blot the pieces with napkins and let them lie in a ventilated room for 10-15 minutes. Then we transfer it to the smokehouse grate and begin the process.

Step 6. After smoking is complete, cool the appetizer in the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours, and only then serve. Bon appetit!

Salting lard with a layer of meat

Salting lard with a layer of meat is a simple process that even an inexperienced cook can handle. Your main task is to choose a high-quality and “flaky” piece of pork, preferably brisket, as it has a special softness. Before serving, it is recommended to scrape off the top layer of salt with a knife.

Cooking time – 8 days.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Portions – 8.


  • Pork brisket – 700 gr.
  • Salt – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 0.5 heads.
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking process:

Step 1. To speed up the salting process, cut the washed and dried brisket into pieces, with sides measuring 5-6 centimeters.

Step 2. Mix pepper and salt and roll each piece in the resulting mixture.

Step 3. Alternating pork with bay leaves, place the ingredients in a pickling container and refrigerate for a week.After 2-3 days, drain the liquid and dry each segment with napkins.

Step 4. After 7 days, rub the lard with garlic and put it in the freezer for another 24 hours.

Step 5. Cut the frozen brisket into thin slices and serve to the table, to the delight of the family. Bon appetit!

How to salt lard in onion skins

How to salt lard in onion skins? With this method of cooking, called “hot”, the product turns out to be extremely soft and aromatic, and using the husk, the lard also acquires an incredibly appetizing shade that is impossible to resist, even if you are on a diet!

Cooking time – 12 hours

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Portions – 6-8.


  • Lard/brisket – 400-500 gr.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Onions (husks) – 7-10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • Garlic – 6 teeth.
  • Sweet peas – 6 pcs.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We start cooking by preparing the brine: pour water into a pan and add salt, bring to a boil and add the peels of 7-10 onions - boil for 5 minutes. Immerse the lard in the golden-colored solution.

Step 2. Bring to a boil again and cook over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the pork in the brine for another 15 minutes, then transfer to a plate and dry.

Step 3. For the salting mixture, crush the peppercorns, break the bay leaves into small pieces, finely chop the garlic - mix the ingredients.

Step 4. Make cuts in the meat with a long knife and actively rub with the aromatic mixture.

Step 5. Place the lard in the freezer and leave it there until needed. The longer the lard sits, the richer its taste will be. Bon appetit!

Salting lard in brine at home

Salting lard in brine at home is an incredibly tasty and time-tested salting method that is extremely popular. But this is not surprising, because simple and affordable ingredients make a delicious snack!

Cooking time – 6-7 days.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 20-25.


  • Lard – 2 kg.
  • Garlic – 5 teeth.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.

For brine:

  • Water – 1 l.
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 10-12 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 teeth.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We start by cooking the brine and prepare everything we need.

Step 2. Place peeled garlic, salt, bay leaf and peppercorns into a saucepan - add water and bring to a boil, boil for half an hour and cool.

Step 3. Cut the cleaned and washed lard into segments.

Step 4. Fill part of the glass container with pork, add laurel and garlic. Similarly, fill all the dishes and fill with cooled brine.

Step 5. Set the pressure and cover with a lid, leave for a day at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 days.

Step 6. Then roll in your favorite spices and serve. Store the lard in small pieces in the freezer, wrapped in parchment paper. Bon appetit!

Homemade lard with nitrite salt

Homemade lard with nitrite salt is an exquisite dish that will easily add something new to your usual menu. Before serving, you should freeze the aromatic product, and then cut it into the thinnest slices and offer it to your household, in combination with hot borscht and garlic - you will lick your fingers!

Cooking time – 5 days.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 10-15 min.


  • Lard with a layer – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 80 gr.
  • Nitrite salt – 15 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 20 gr.
  • Garlic – 4 teeth.
  • Black peppercorns – 1 tbsp.
  • Ground sweet paprika - to taste.
  • Fenugreek - to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Thoroughly rinse the piece of lard in cool water, not leaving the skin unattended.

Step 2. Remove the skin and cut the flesh into strips about five centimeters wide.

Step 3. Combine two types of salt and sugar, rub the pieces on all sides.

Step 4. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar, pass the garlic through a press - rub the ingredients into the pork.

Step 5. Sprinkle with fenugreek and sweet paprika to taste.

Step 6. Continue rubbing in the spices for several minutes.

Step 7. Wrap the semi-finished products in gauze and transfer them directly to the cutting board onto the refrigerator shelf.

Step 8. After four days, replace the gauze with cling film.

Step 9. The product can be stored for one year (in the freezer). Bon appetit!

Salted lard with pepper and garlic

Salted lard with pepper and garlic is an amazing combination of ingredients that will give you true gastronomic satisfaction and satiety. Having such a snack on hand, you will never go hungry, because a couple of slices of fresh bread are enough to have a delicious meal!

Cooking time – 72 hours

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 10.


  • Lard – 800-1000 gr.
  • Salt – 2.5-4 tbsp.
  • Ground red pepper - to taste.
  • Garlic - to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We clean the lard with a knife and do not rinse it, leaving it dry. If necessary, cut out the ribs.

Step 2. Cut the scraps into small pieces, with sides of 8-10 centimeters.

Step 3. Dip the slices in salt on all sides. For 1 kg of lard – 3-4 tbsp. salt.

Step 4.We place the lard in bags and place it in a deep container, leaving it in the refrigerator for three days. After 24 hours, drain the liquid.

Step 5. Rinse the salted pieces thoroughly under running water.

Step 6. Dry thoroughly with paper towels.

Step 7. Rub the pork with chopped garlic and red pepper.

Step 8. Immediately taste it or put it in the freezer for storage. Bon appetit!

Salted lard through a meat grinder with garlic

Salted lard through a meat grinder with garlic is a spicy and incredibly appetizing snack that captivates with its incredible taste and aroma. The cooking process is simple and quick, so let’s start cooking right away to enjoy this deliciousness as soon as possible!

Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Portions – 5-6.


  • Lard – 500 gr.
  • Garlic – 3-4 teeth.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Greens – 30 gr.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

Step 1. After cutting off the skin, run the lard through a meat grinder twice.

Step 2. Season the resulting mass with black pepper and salt.

Step 3. Add garlic cloves passed through a press.

Step 4. Add chopped herbs and mix well.

Step 5. Wrap the mixture in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for soaking and cooling.

Step 6. Serve to the table in combination with onions and black bread. Cook and have fun!

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