Honeysuckle for the winter is a delicious and appetizing berry preparation that is impossible to resist even if you are on a diet! Since these berries are one of the earliest berries, you can start cooking as early as June, along with strawberries. This irregularly shaped purple berry can be used to make a rich compote or delicious jam. In this collection of recipes you can easily choose the option that is ideal for you. Let's sit down comfortably and let's get started!
Honeysuckle jam for the winter
Honeysuckle jam for the winter is a vitamin preparation that even someone who has stepped into the kitchen for the first time and decided to cook something can handle. In addition to its beneficial properties, this berry will also pleasantly surprise you with its bright aroma and amazing taste.
- Honeysuckle 1 (kilograms)
- Granulated sugar 1 (kilograms)
- Lemon acid ½ (teaspoons)
To prepare a delicious honeysuckle preparation for the winter, rinse the berries thoroughly under running water.
Dry in any convenient way.
We divide the honeysuckle in half and pass one part through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender bowl.
Mix the two masses, pour in the sugar and, after mixing, place on the burner.
Boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes with constant stirring.
Pour in the lemon, stir and simmer for another 1-2 minutes - proceed to packaging into jars.
We screw the jars with sterile lids and after cooling we put them away in a storage place. Bon appetit!
Honeysuckle compote for the winter
Honeysuckle compote for the winter is not only a very tasty and refreshing drink, but also rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. You will spend a minimum of time and effort preparing the compote, but when you open the jar during the cold season, you will be incredibly happy!
Cooking time - 15 minutes.
Cooking time - 5 minutes.
Portions – 1 l.
- Honeysuckle – 200 gr.
- Granulated sugar – 150 gr.
- Water – 1 l.
- Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Before starting cooking, arm yourself with a kitchen gram scale and weigh the required amount of all ingredients.
Step 2. Carefully wash the berries and, without disturbing the integrity, pour them into a jar.
Step 3. Boil water with sugar in a saucepan and add sour citrus juice - pour in honeysuckle.
Step 4. Seal the jar tightly with a sterile lid and turn it over until it cools completely.
Step 5. Prepare and enjoy not only the result, but also the process!
Honeysuckle pureed with sugar without cooking
Honeysuckle pureed with sugar without cooking is a quick and easy way to prepare a tasty and healthy berry that will perfectly retain its properties even without preservatives and heat treatment. Be sure to try cooking honeysuckle this way.
Cooking time - 10 min.
Cooking time - 10 min.
Portions – 10-15.
- Honeysuckle – 2.4 kg.
- Granulated sugar – 700 gr.
Cooking process:
Step 1.First of all, we carefully sort out the berries, leaving for cooking only those that have no damage or signs of rotting.
Step 2. Place the honeysuckle in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water, getting rid of dust and twigs.
Step 3. Pour the main component into a deep container of a suitable size and mix with sugar.
Step 4. Blend the resulting mass with an immersion blender until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.
Step 5. Pour the treat into small plastic containers.
Step 6. Store the treat in the freezer and take it out a couple of hours before consumption. Bon appetit!
Five-minute honeysuckle jam
Five-minute honeysuckle jam is prepared with the addition of sugar, and the ratio of these ingredients is one to one. Despite the large amount of sweetener, most of the beneficial properties of the berry are preserved because we will not boil it for too long.
Cooking time – 9 o’clock
Cooking time – 15-20 min.
Portions – 5-7.
- Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
- Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
- Water – 70-100 ml.
Cooking process:
Step 1. We sort out the honeysuckle and rinse it, place it in a colander and give some time to drain off the excess liquid.
Step 2. Mix the berries with granulated sugar, cover the container with a towel or napkin and leave overnight at room temperature.
Step 3. The next morning, add water to the berries and mix.
Step 4. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Let the jam cool for several hours.
Step 5. After cooling, cook the jam for another 5 minutes and then pack it into pre-sterilized jars.
Step 6. Bon appetit!
Honeysuckle jam for the winter
Honeysuckle jam for the winter is a real folk remedy for maintaining immunity, which can easily be prepared at home, having only a pan and a sieve on hand. Unlike jam, jam has a smooth and uniform texture that does not contain a single seed.
Cooking time – 8 hours
Cooking time – 20-25 min.
Portions – 5-7.
- Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
- Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Carefully sort out the berries from debris and spoiled fruits, rinse under running water.
Step 2. Pour the honeysuckle into a large saucepan, pour in the sugar and stir vigorously with a spatula so that the component releases the juice.
Step 3. Move the container to the fire and boil for 10-15 minutes after boiling, the granulated sugar should completely dissolve and mix with the juice.
Step 4. Let the mixture cool slightly and then grind it through a sieve with small holes, getting rid of small seeds.
Step 5. Boil the homogeneous mixture again and be sure to remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
Step 6. Boil until thick and pour into sterile jars.
Step 7. After cooling, store the jam in a cool place for 18 months. Bon appetit!
Simple honeysuckle jelly for the winter
Simple honeysuckle jelly for the winter is a delicious and original dessert that will easily help you add something completely new to the list of your classic preparations. Such a treat will fly off the plates in the blink of an eye, both by children and adults.
Cooking time - 20 minutes.
Cooking time - 10 min.
Portions – 7.
- Gelatin – 20 gr.
- Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
- Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Prepare the components according to the list.
Step 2.We sort the berries, wash them and pour them onto a towel to dry the fruits.
Step 3. Pour gelatin with warm water, following the instructions.
Step 4. At this time, sterilize the jars over steam and pour boiling water over the lids.
Step 5. Pour honeysuckle into a ladle, blend with an immersion blender and bring to a boil.
Step 6. Add sugar to the mixture, mix and wait until it is completely dissolved. Typically this process takes about 5-7 minutes.
Step 7. Heat the gelatin in a water bath and add it to the puree - mix.
Step 8. Place the jelly into jars and close them, put them on the lids and cover them with a blanket for a day. Bon appetit!
Honeysuckle jam with strawberries
Honeysuckle jam with strawberries is one of the most successful combinations of ingredients that can only be found among winter berry preparations. The main advantage is the unusual taste, because it is moderately sweet and moderately sour - you will lick your fingers!
Cooking time – 14 hours
Cooking time – 15-20 min.
Portions – 6.
- Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg.
- Honeysuckle – 1 kg.
- Strawberries – 700 gr.
Cooking process:
Step 1. Before starting the process, carefully sort out each berry.
Step 2. Rinse the honeysuckle under water and place in a colander, allowing the liquid to drain.
Step 3. Pour granulated sugar onto the dark fruits and let stand for 5-6 hours.
Step 4. As soon as the berries have given juice, stir and put on the fire, cook after boiling for 5 minutes.
Step 5. And while the mass is cooling, we tear off the tails of the strawberries and cut the berries into arbitrary slices.
Step 6. Mix the two main ingredients and return to the burner.
Step 7. Boil for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling and cool again. Then we do the third final heat treatment.
Step 8We pour the delicious jam into jars and roll it up using a special machine. We wrap it in a blanket, but do not turn it over. Bon appetit!